LOCAL Closer Look: Richmond Virginia OAR

Posted on Sunday, September 17, 2023 by Jack Church

Jack Church spoke with Sara Dimick, Executive Director for Opportunity Alliance Re-Entry, otherwise known as OAR of Richmond. Dimick said OAR exist to help people who have been incarcerated return to a successful new start in society after being released from jail. In the last year alone, OAR has worked with over 5k individuals released from jail with a high percentage of success in terms of not having a relapse and returning to jail. OAR focuses on several areas to help individuals returning to society including but not limited to transportation, employment and housing.

Original airdate: 9/17/2023 

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Jack joined EMF in 2021 and covers portions of TN, KY, VA, MD, NC, SC, and AL including major markets Nashville, Charlotte, and Washington DC.

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