"Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying." - Romans 12:12 NLT
I’ll never forget the day six years ago when my wife called me at work to share that she was in the E.R. with our son. He had been sick for a few weeks, so she took him earlier that day to see the doctor. After running a few tests, the doctor informed her that our son’s liver was shutting down and told my wife to take our son to the hospital right away. Terrified, I dropped everything, rushed to the E.R., and began praying for the Lord to do a miracle.
No matter how painful or alarming our circumstances are, we can find hope in the Lord. In Romans 12:12, the Apostle Paul instructs us to rejoice in what Jesus did for us on the cross, be patient as he works behind the scenes, and to keep on praying.
Paul isn’t suggesting that we should pretend everything is okay when we’re feeling discouraged or afraid. Instead, he’s teaching us to shift our focus from our circumstances to Christ. By thanking God for His blessings and reflecting on His promises, we draw strength to be patient in the moment. This also opens the door for us to invite God into our struggles through prayer, allowing us to receive His strength each day.
Know that you can be confident in the hope you have in Jesus because God’s promises to you are good, and he always keeps his promises (Hebrews 10:23). Rejoice in hope, be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.
HIGHLIGHTED QUOTE: No matter how painful or alarming our circumstances are, we can find hope in the Lord.
TIP OF THE DAY: Talk to God about the burdens on your heart. After praying for what you need, spend a few minutes thanking him for how he’s blessed you in your life. Find at least one Scripture that reminds you of the hope you have in Christ and put it somewhere you will see it each day.
TALKING TO GOD: Heavenly Father, I thank you that when I go through deep waters, you are with me. When I feel scared and discouraged, help me to remember the hope I have in you. Show me how to be patient in hardships and give me the strength to cast all my burdens to you in prayer.
- What is something in your life that’s causing you to feel discouraged?
- What is one Scripture that can encourage you about this area in your life?
- Write down three ways that God has blessed you today and thank him for those blessings.