"And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful." - Colossians 3:15 NLT
During the 1940s, a man named Louis Zamperini experienced unimaginable turmoil. An Olympic athlete turned World War II airman, Louis’ plane crashed in the Pacific, leaving him adrift for 47 days before being captured and imprisoned in a Japanese POW camp. Tortured and broken, he eventually returned home after the war, but his life spiraled into anger, bitterness, and sleepless nights filled with nightmares.
He was at war—not with soldiers, but within himself. Everything changed in 1949 when Louis attended a Billy Graham crusade. Hearing about Christ’s sacrifice, Louis realized that his greatest need wasn’t revenge or even justice—it was peace with God. The gospel transformed his life. Louis forgave his captors, found peace, and spent the rest of his life sharing his story of hope and reconciliation.
His story reminds us of this truth: our deepest need is peace with God. As Colossians 3:15 tells us, this peace comes only through Jesus Christ. Without Him, we’re like Louis before his transformation—adrift, captive to sin, and at war in our hearts. But because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we can be reconciled to God, forgiven, and free.
So, here’s the question: is Christ’s peace ruling your heart? Do you wake up every day with the assurance that your sins are forgiven, that you’re adopted into God’s family, and that you belong to Him? Or do worry, fear, and doubt try to sneak in and take over?
Letting Christ’s peace rule takes intentional effort. It’s about reminding yourself daily of the good news: Jesus died in your place so you could live in His grace. His peace isn’t just a nice feeling—it’s a deep, unshakable reality that transforms the way we think, act, and respond to life’s challenges.
HIGHLIGHTED QUOTE: “True peace doesn’t come from circumstances—it comes from knowing you’ve been reconciled to God through Jesus Christ.”
TIP OF THE DAY: Take five minutes today to reflect on Colossians 3:15. Write down one way Christ’s peace has changed your life and one area where you need to let that peace rule more fully.
TALKING TO GOD: Father, thank You for the gift of peace through Jesus. I confess that I sometimes let fear and worry take over my heart. Help me to trust in the truth of Your Word; that I am forgiven, reconciled, and fully loved by You. Let this peace guide my thoughts, decisions, and relationships today. In Jesus’ name, amen.
- Do you believe that you are fully reconciled to God and at peace with Him through Christ? How does this truth change the way you live?
- What’s one area in your life where you need to let the peace of Christ take control?
- How can you make it a daily habit to reflect on and live in the truth of God’s peace?