"You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever." - Psalm 16:11 NLT
Have you ever been lost before? Maybe you took the wrong turn or followed the wrong trail on your hike, you may have even been separated from your group and left in an unfamiliar location. It can be easy to feel worried or scared when you have no idea where you are or where you need to go. Life is like that when we don’t allow God to be the one who guides and directs our steps.
The reality is, if God is not the one showing us the way of life, someone or something else will. Our world is constantly telling us how we should live our lives and what we must have, do, or accomplish to experience joy and pleasure. If we allow the world to be our tour guide in this life, then we should expect to be lost, alone, and lacking any amount of joy.
God’s desire for us on the other hand is to show us the way of life so that we may experience authentic joy and lasting pleasure. He knows those things cannot truly be experienced apart from Him and His ways. The pleasures of this world are selfish and temporary, but the pleasures that come from God, are for His glory and our good, forever! When we walk with God through this life and allow Him to be the one who guides and teaches us, fear, worry, and doubt will flee because they do not exist in the presence of God.
HIGHLIGHTED QUOTE: “The pleasures of this world are selfish and temporary, but the pleasures that come from God, are for His glory and our good, forever!”
TIP OF THE DAY: Throughout today, use Psalm 16:11 as a powerful reminder that true joy and pleasure comes from God.
TALKING TO GOD: Good and gracious Father, thank You that You know what is best for me. Thank You that You are willing and fully capable of showing and teaching me how to live each day to the full for Your glory and my good. Help me to walk with you today and every day after. In Jesus’ name, amen!
- Have I allowed someone or something else to show me the way of life other than God?
- What is the difference between the joy and pleasure that the world offers compared to the joy and pleasure that God gives?
- How can I allow God to teach me and guide me in this life?