"For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs." - Zephaniah 3:17 NLT
Have you ever experienced what it’s like to have someone cheer you on in a sport or activity? I can remember growing up in middle school and high school and running track. Although it wasn’t my favorite sport, there was always one race I really enjoyed, the 400-meter sprint. You see, the 400-meter race is the longest race to be considered a “sprint.” It is one, all-out, fast-paced lap around the track.
What made this race my favorite was always coming around the final turn and “turning on the jets” to the finish line. My parents, classmates, and teammates would always sit by the final turn, and as I would come around the corner, I could hear them cheering me on towards the finish line. I knew that their presence would be there when I needed it most. You see, there is power in the ministry of presence.
What an incredible feeling to know that the Lord, our Heavenly Father, is cheering us on from the grandstands of Heaven. He takes delight when He sees us running the race of faith, doing our best to love, serve, and honor Him with our lives. He rejoices over his children with joyful songs encouraging them to never give up hope. Be encouraged today that God is with you. He is for you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. His love is present to calm all of your fears, worries, and anxieties.
HIGHLIGHTED QUOTE: “There is power in the ministry of presence.”
TIP OF THE DAY: Take a moment today to sit in silence and focus on Jesus. It could be just 30 seconds or 2 minutes, but as you sit take deep breaths simply remind yourself that God’s loving presence is right there with you.
TALKING TO GOD: Heavenly Father, help me to remember not only how real You are, but how present You are. Your Word tells me that You will never leave me nor forsake me. Please calm all my worries, fears, and anxieties as I give them to You. I know You are a strong and mighty God. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
- Practicing gratitude is a great way to help remind ourselves that God is with us and for us. What are three things you can thank God for today?
- Having a church home and gathering with other believers is a powerful to experience God’s presence. How can you make experiencing God with others a greater priority in your life?
Consider making moments of silent prayer a part of your weekly routine. How might these moments help you experience God’s presence through turning your attention towards Him?