"Because of his grace he made us right in his sight and gave us confidence that we will inherit eternal life.” - Titus 3:7 NLT
Have you ever put your confidence in someone only to be disappointed by their failure to follow through with what they said they would do? Perhaps you’ve been that person. The good news is, God is never like that. When God says He will do something, He does it.
Our sin ruined God’s intended plan for humanity and put enmity between us and Him. Aware of this reality, God said He would send His Son as our Savior to rescue us from our sins and restore us to a right standing with Him. Like God always does, He kept His word and sent Jesus, who willingly went to the cross for you and me.
When it comes to our salvation and being in right standing with God, we should have no confidence in ourselves. God’s grace has been extended to us through Jesus, and it is in Him alone that our confidence in this life and the life to come can only be found in.
HIGHLIGHTED QUOTE: “When God says He will do something, He does it.”
TIP OF THE DAY: Write down Titus 3:7 and bring it with you throughout the day, and every time you read it, ask that God would strengthen your confidence in Him alone.
TALKING TO GOD: Heavenly Father, You alone are worthy of all praise and all glory because it is only in Your plan of salvation through Jesus that I am saved. Help me today remember Your great love for me and that You made me right in Your sight not through anything that I have done, but by Your grace displayed through the finished work of Your Son, Jesus! It is in Jesus’ name I pray, amen!
- How did my sin put enmity between me and God?
- What did Jesus alone do to restore my relationship with God? Why is this important to me?
- Why can I put my confidence in God?