“I am the light of the world. If you follow Me you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.” – John 8:12 NLT
When I was a child, my dad pastored a small church in Clewiston, Florida. Although, since we lived in Miami, we had quite the journey each week as we would leave our house around 6 A.M. to make the 95-mile trip one-way to arrive in Clewiston in time for service. After church, we would spend all day at a friend’s house in the area since my father had to preach again in the evening. But I always loved those Sunday afternoons filled with good food and friends. In particular, one of my favorite memories as a kid was going to Brother Arthur’s house, hanging out on his front porch, playing guitar, and singing hymns. What I remember most about Arthur was that, despite his blindness, when he was playing and singing, I knew he could truly see the Light. Brother Arthur had experienced the contagious love of Jesus, and I wanted to see the Lord the same way that he did.
I was a blind man wandering until I saw the Light
Like Brother Arthur, these simple words from the first verse describe our spiritual condition before the light of Jesus broke into the darkness of our hearts. Since the light of salvation surged into our lives, we can now heartily agree with the words of the blind man Jesus healed, “I was blind but now I see.” (John 9:25) His presence now lights the pathway for us, and we no longer aimlessly wander in this dark world.
And now I’m anointed to bring the news, everything He did for me, I know He’ll do for you
Much like that blind man who was able to see for the first time and then went and told many people about the Man who healed him, these lyrics remind us that the light of Jesus is meant to be passed to people we encounter along our journey. Jesus told His disciples “Let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father” (Matthew 5:16). We share the message of Jesus by our actions as well as our words. The final words of this verse express this same sentiment of Jesus’ words, “Yeah, I’m a walking, talking miracle, and I just gotta let it out,” When Jesus is Lord of our life, His presence will shine through us like a beacon inviting others to His salvation.
I know nobody could break off every shackle and tear down every wall and set free every captive
All throughout your faith journey, God will continue to open your eyes to see areas of your life that are still bound and that He desires to set you free from. Jesus said, “So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free (John 8:36). Carnes’ lyrics celebrate the freedom only Jesus can give. It’s not just freedom from sin’s penalty but freedom to live in a moment-by-moment relationship with Him. He’s torn down the walls of guilt and shame and invites us to come boldly before His throne of grace to receive mercy and help when we need it the most (Hebrews 4:16).
Ain’t nobody love me like Jesus, ain’t nobody love me this good, ain’t nobody love me like Jesus, and I know nobody could
I remember how excited Brother Arthur was every Sunday when we came over to sing and have fellowship. He really knew about how good God’s love is and that there is no other source of any greater love. The chorus of this song is the timeless message of Jesus’ love. It’s a message that echoes Jesus’ prophetic words, “There’s no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends (John 15:13). The impact of His love in our lives opened our blind eyes to salvation, motivates us to share our faith, and sets us free to live the abundant life He has freely given us. As a result of that love, we can also sing with joy the chorus’ heart-stirring words, “Ain’t nobody love me like Jesus.”
Dig Deeper
1. Take time to reflect on how your actions at home, work, and in the community display the love and the light of Jesus to others in your life.
2. List the walls of shame or guilt Jesus has torn down and removed from your life and give Him thanks for the freedom you are now experiencing.