LOCAL Closer Look: Hospice of the Red River Valley - ND Statewide

Posted on Sunday, April 23, 2023 by Becky Hansen

Becky Hansen talks Brenda Iverson, Director of Marketing & Community Relations for Hospice of the Red River Valley for ND communities including Bismarck, Jamestown, Minot, Fargo, Horace and Harwood. Iverson describes the services provided and explains the importance of educating yourself about hospice care before you or a loved one need the services. (www.hrrv.org)

Original airdate: 4/23/2023 

Closer Look weblink may be shared or posted to social media and/or organization website, but audio may not be duplicated, altered, re-broadcast or streamed without prior approval. May not be used for organizational fundraising purposes. (Educational Media Foundation - All Rights Reserved)

Becky joined EMF in 2005 and she covers Alaska, Minnesota, the Dakotas, Wisconsin, Western Louisiana and East Texas including the major market of Houston.

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