When Elevation Worship originally crafted the lyrics for what evolved into “Trust In God” in the Fall of 2022, they had a completely different melody in mind. Fast forward to January of 2023, and the GRAMMY®-winning collective found themselves ringing in the New Year at the annual Passion Conference.
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In what was likely a divinely orchestrated moment, Elevation Worship songwriter and visionary Steven Furtick was humming the group’s first pass at “Trust In God,” when he heard the refrain of “Blessed Assurance” floating down the hallway from another room. By the time Elevation Worship had walked off stage at Passion, Furtick had reworked the entire song to incorporate fragments of the familiar hymn. The reimagined version artistically weaves the standard’s timeless melody together with modern language to form a mid-tempo ballad that’s undisputedly fresh.
Bringing “Blessing Assurance” into the 21st century, “Trust In God” is one of many standout selections on the group’s most recent live project, “CAN YOU IMAGINE?” with a bridge that affirms the sweet communion we share with the Father through prayer, “I sought the Lord, and He heard, and He answered.”
“I think it’s a great confession that we can all individually make or corporately make as a church body. It feels good to kind of preach to yourself,” reasons Elevation Worship’s Chris Brown, who sings lead on the personal declaration. “Every single morning, I want my prayer to be, ‘Jesus, I choose to follow You, deny myself and take up my cross.’ No matter what, I’ve got a Savior who’s with me, who’s for me, and that’s enough for me. So whatever today holds, that’s my choice, that’s my decision — to trust Him.”
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Brown cites Psalm 125:1 as inspiration: “Those who trust in the Lord are as secure as Mount Zion; they will not be defeated but will endure forever.” Additionally, Psalm 34:4 provides the baseline for the bridge: “I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears.”
The group will bring “Trust In God” to arenas this October as their popular “Elevation Nights” tour continues.