For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile. – Romans 1:16 NLT
Growing up, I was probably the shyest guy on the block. The very thought of sharing my faith gave me a dry mouth and anxiety. It was discouraging to see my friends share so openly while I struggled to get a couple of sentences across.
Witnessing to others can feel terrifying. What if I say something and make myself look foolish? Will I have the answer to all the questions people ask me? Is there a right way to witness? What if they reject me?
These are common questions. The good news is that you don’t have to have all the answers or be a pastor or church leader to share your faith. Witnessing is for every Christian. And since the Holy Spirit lives inside every Christian, sharing your faith is possible. You don’t have to witness using your own strength.
Here are five steps to prepare you to share your faith.
1. Begin with prayer. Pray for God to give you a heart and compassion for the lost. When we become a people full of compassion, we will begin to see people’s need for Jesus. This will spark a desire in us to witness. Remember, keeping it simple is key when you share the gospel.
2. Before sharing the gospel, take an interest in the person. Get to know the person first. When we enter people’s world and take time to listen, we show genuine care. This will open the person’s heart. Everyone has a story, and taking time to listen to people’s stories is a crucial part of witnessing. It’s not about you but the person you are trying to reach. Remember, loving others begins with taking an interest in their needs first. We lead with loving people before telling them about Jesus.
3. Remind the person of how much God loves them. Everyone needs to be reminded they matter and are loved by God.
4. Talk about how sin has separated us from a holy God. The Bible tells us God is holy. This means He is perfect, without sin, and blameless. There is no sin in God. Humans, however, have sinned and are in desperate need of a Savior. Remember, man’s greatest need is to be forgiven of sin. That forgiveness is only found in Jesus. This is the Good News! Jesus died for our sins, and our good works cannot save us.
5. Invite the person to repent of their sin. Repentance simply means to change your mind. This change means we start walking away from the sins we used to practice. This will lead to a change in our hearts and actions. After repentance, invite the person to accept God’s gift of salvation and trust in the Person and work of Jesus.
Remember, God transforms people; we don’t. Our job is to simply share and watch God move!
Dig Deeper
1. What is one fear you have when it comes to witnessing? Talk to God about it.
2. What is one step you can take this week to share your faith?
3. Ask God for an opportunity to share your faith.