"I say to myself, “The LORD is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!”” - Lamentations 3:24 NLT
I’ll never forget the Wednesday afternoon nine years ago when my (then) boss pulled me into his office and told me I was being laid off. I was shocked and devastated. I started to get lightheaded and had trouble breathing as I absorbed the news. Driving home, I had no idea how I was going to tell my wife. I was scared about how our family was going to pay the bills and wondered if I would ever find another job again.
In times of loss, it’s normal to feel scared and discouraged. The prophet Jeremiah and the people of Jerusalem knew what it was like to experience loss. In 586 BC, their city was invaded by the Babylonians. The temple was destroyed, their houses were burned to the ground, and what few survivors remained were exiled to Babylon, never to return.
Amid the devastation, Jeremiah writes, “The LORD is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!” This isn’t just wishful thinking on Jeremiah’s part. Jeremiah is choosing to cling not to what is lost but to hold on to the God who is holding on to him. That doesn’t mean that Jeremiah wasn’t hurting or that he didn't grieve what was taken. In fact, he wrote a whole book in the Bible about his grief journey called Lamentations. Rather, what Jeremiah is doing here is reminding himself that God is enough for each day, and with the Lord’s help he can move forward with hope.
When you’re dealing with grief and loss, don’t be afraid to give words to what you’re feeling. Tell God how much it hurts. Then, like Jeremiah, remind yourself that the Lord is your lasting inheritance, and ask Him to give you the comfort and strength you need today.
HIGHLIGHTED QUOTE: “Jeremiah is choosing not to cling to what has been taken away but to hold on to the God who is holding on to him.”
TIP OF THE DAY: Give yourself time alone today to grieve and process any losses that you’re experiencing in this season of your life. Talk to God about what you’re going through and declare that your hope is in Him, even if your faith feels shaky. Be on the lookout for people around you who may be grieving their own losses and ask the Lord to show you how you can encourage them today.
TALKING TO GOD: Heavenly Father, thank you that that my losses are not lost on you. Thank you for seeing my hurt and my burdens, and you care. Help me not to let what I’ve lost cause me to lose sight of you. Show me how I can hold on to you as you are holding on to me. Give me eyes to see the grief of those around me and give me the strength to comfort them with the same comfort you have given me.
- What does it mean for God to be your inheritance during this time in your life?
- What specific examples of God’s faithfulness can you recall from the past? How can you remind yourself of the hope we have in Jesus during the storms of life?
- What is one way you can encourage someone you know who is grieving a loss this week?