“And may the Lord make your love for one another and for all people grow
and overflow, just as our love for you overflows.” – 1 Thessalonians 3:12 (NLT)
Has anyone ever asked you what fruit trees are for? Probably not, because the purpose is in the name! They grow in different ways, but ultimately, a healthy fruit tree must produce fruit. Right?
When fruit is produced, it is meant to carry and nourish a seed or even many seeds. The tree produces something that will not benefit itself, but it comes from the overflow of what keeps it alive. When fruit drops, its nourishing elements are used up, and the seed sprouts, starting the whole process over again.
When God loved us first, that love wasn’t meant to be captive within us. We were made to produce fruit from that love poured into us, and then to spread that love to those who need it. Just like a hungry person is nourished by the fruit from a fruit tree, so those who are spiritually hungry are nourished by the fruit that comes from our lives—the outpouring of God’s love.
A healthy Christian takes the love poured into them and pours it out in the lives of those they encounter. As the old poem says, “Love wasn’t put in your heart to stay. Love isn’t love till you give it away.” As we grow in a relationship with Jesus Christ, we also grow in loving like He does.
“When God loved us first, that love wasn’t meant to just be held within us.”
Tip of the Day
Sharing the love of Christ can happen spontaneously, but planning to share it makes sure we follow through. Who do you know who needs a dose of Jesus’ love?
Jesus, Your example of love amazes me. When I think about how You rescued me from my sin and shame, and Your example of loving people well, I’m humbled. Please help me see opportunities to share the love You first showed me. Let my life overflow with You. In Your name, amen.
Pause and Reflect
Reflect on the analogy of a fruit tree. How does the concept of producing fruit and spreading God’s love resonate with your understanding of your faith journey?
In what ways can you intentionally plan to share the love of Christ with those around you?
Consider this quote, “When God loved us first, that love wasn’t meant to just be held within us.” How has God’s love transformed your perspective on sharing that love with others?