Day 22: Rule Number 1: Love God With Your All

Posted on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 by K-LOVE Pastors

Daily Faith Challenge

“And you must love the LORD your God with all your heart, 
all your soul, and all your strength.” – Deuteronomy 6:5 (NLT) 

The gathered people could feel the tension in the air after Jesus put a group of religious leaders in their place, even saying they did not know the Scriptures. Imagine someone saying that to a whole group of pastors. Not to be outdone, though, one of the other religious groups selected one of their experts in the Old Testament law and asked Jesus, "Which is the greatest commandment in the law?" The curiosity was high. 

If you had a mentor who had spoken into your life, and they turned to you and said, "Of all the things that I have told you, this is the most important thing…" How impactful would that moment be? Jesus responded to the question with this verse. "Love the Lord your God with all…" With all! 

Many today are quick to jump to the second command that Jesus mentioned as if that may be easier to discuss, “Love your neighbor…” but it is essential to understand that it is similar to the T-shirts and coffee mugs that humorously say, “Rule No. 1 – I am always right; Rule No. 2 – If I am ever wrong, refer back to rule number one.” In other words, the first rule is the most important and significantly impacts the second. 

When the Bible says, "Love the Lord with all…" there is no room for anyone else. When someone wants to share their affection for someone, they may say, "I love you with all my heart." They are communicating that there is no room in their heart for anyone else when they say, "You are my one and only." If we are to love God with all, how can we follow up with loving others if He is the only love? The reason is that God knows that loving Him with all allows us to love others more profoundly. If we struggle with rule No. 2, "love your neighbor," then refer to rule No. 1, "love God with all."

"When the Bible says, "Love the Lord with all…" there is no room for anyone else."  

Tip of the Day 

Begin each day by consciously dedicating your heart, soul and strength to loving God with all you have. As you immerse yourself in His love, you'll find the capacity to love others deepening in a more profound, godly and unconditional way. 


Dear God, empower me to love You with all my heart, soul, and strength. In moments of struggle with loving others, may the depth of my love for You guide and overflow, enabling me to love others more profoundly and godly. In Jesus' name, amen. 

Pause and Reflect 

Do you make loving God your top priority every day? How does that posture influence how you love others? 

When you struggle to love your neighbors, do you remind myself to focus on loving God first? 

Are there areas where your love for God is not fully expressed, impacting how you love those around you?


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