"How amazing are the deeds of the Lord! All who delight in him should ponder them.” - Psalm 111:2 NLT
As I read through the book of Psalms, I am often struck by the realness of them. So many of the Psalms are filled with struggles, trials, and even complaints. However, there’s also a beautiful, reoccurring theme throughout them. And that is remembering the goodness and the faithfulness of God in the past.
There is a quote I try to live my life by every day. It’s a simple phrase the Lord gave me to use in times of doubt, worry, fear, or anxiety. The phrase is, “If I can remember what God has done, I can have faith for what God can do.” Simple right? But powerful. The Psalms teach us to constantly and consistently look back at the faithfulness of God; to remember that if God did it before, He can do it again. It may not look the same, but He can do it again.
I want to challenge you to get more serious about reminding yourself of all the good things God has done in your life. It can be so easy to focus on today’s problems that we forget about yesterday’s miracles. Put your hope in God. Throughout Scripture people would build altars or memorials in places where God came through for them.
Maybe you don’t need to build an altar, but you can write down what the Lord has done. You can share His goodness and His faithfulness with a friend. You can choose to delight in all the amazing things God has already done. You can choose to remember His faithfulness.
HIGHLIGHTED QUOTE: “If I can remember what God has done, I can have faith for what God can do.”
TIP OF THE DAY: Consider writing down in a journal or on a piece of paper a list of great things God has done in your life. Then take some time to thank Him for each one of them.
TALKING TO GOD: Dear God, thank you for all the amazing things you have done in my life. I pray that as I remember what You have done in the past that You will help me to have faith for what You can do in the future. I want to be encouraged and inspired by Your Word to have great faith in You each and every day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
- What are some ways in which the Enemy might try to discourage you from believing in what God can do?
- What is a miracle you need in your life right now that you can be praying and believing for?
- What is a song that reminds you of how great your God is?