"We love each other because He loved us first." - 1 John 4:19 NLT
A moment before the ceremony begins, the room fills with a quiet anticipation as the groom stands ready for his bride's entrance. The air is thick with excitement, and every face in the room glows in expectation of the special moment. When the ceremony is over, you might pull the newlyweds aside and ask, "Why do you love each other so much?" With sparkling eyes, they would likely share all the reasons they love one another; how they complement each other, the ways they've grown together, the joy they find in each other’s presence.
As time passes, though, the initial glow of that wedding day begins to fade. The answers to that same question may evolve, reflecting the journey they walk together. Over time, love matures, and the reasons for loving each other shift as the relationship grows. Yet, there may be seasons when they struggle to find reasons for their love at all or even question it. While our culture often celebrates the intensity of young love, it’s essential to recognize that true love, the love that endures, is one that develops and deepens over time.
When you reflect on the people you love, what comes to mind? Often, it’s the qualities they possess, how they treat you, or the things they do for you. But, as many of us know, it’s these same traits that can challenge our love for them. Take, for example, your relationship with your church. If the only reason you love your church is for its excellent music, what happens when the music loses its appeal? Without a deeper foundation, you might find yourself no longer connected to that church at all.
God’s love, however, sets the ultimate standard for how we should love one another. Unlike the love we experience in earthly relationships, which can be influenced by feelings or circumstances, God’s love is steadfast and unchanging. His love is an unwavering anchor, offering us a model for how to love others; not based on what they can give us, but rooted in the commitment, sacrifice, and consistency of the love He shows us every day. When we model our love after God’s, it remains constant through all seasons of life.
HIGHLIGHTED QUOTE: “God's love sets the ultimate standard for earthly relationships.”
TIP OF THE DAY: "Reflect on the unwavering love God has for you, realizing that His love remains constant, irrespective of what you bring to the relationship. In your relationships, strive to emulate this unconditional love, anchoring them on the unchanging foundation of God's boundless and enduring affection."
TALKING TO GOD: Father God, in the ever-changing chapters of my relationships, help me anchor my love in Your unwavering and unconditional love. Teach me to love others not for what they bring but I want to love them patterned after the way that You love me. In Jesus' name, amen.
- Is my love for others grounded in God's constant and unconditional love, or is it influenced by temporary emotions or actions?
- During relationship difficulties, do I question my reasons for loving someone or maintain a steadfast love rooted in God's unchanging love for me?
- When thinking about my relationships, am I more focused on the initial glowing moments, or am I actively nurturing a love that withstands changing circumstances?