"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud” - 1 Corinthians 13:4 NLT
Back in 6th grade, I liked a girl who was in 4th grade, and I'd never had feelings like this before. She lived close by, so we hung out a lot. But things got messy when I saw her chatting with another guy. I got super jealous and couldn't handle it. Instead of being patient or kind, I acted weirdly and suspiciously wanting to know what was happening. Looking back, I realize how immature I was, but anyone can act like that sometimes.
The Bible says something important about love in 1 Corinthians 13:4. Love is patient and kind. Back then, I didn't get that. I wasn't patient and I definitely wasn't kind. You see, real love takes time; it doesn't rush things. I wish my 6th grade self had understood that.
Love is also about being kind. It means helping and encouraging others. In my jealousy, I missed a chance to show kindness to the girl and her friend. The love the Bible talks about wants the best for others, even when we're feeling disappointed.
Jealousy, bragging, and pride messed things up for me. But 1 Corinthians 13:4 teaches us about a love that cheers for others without trying to compete. Let's aim for love that shows patience and kindness as God loves us. As we deal with friendships and relationships, let's try to be humble, avoid showing off, and be understanding of others' needs. That way, we can follow the example of God's Love : patient, kind and always thinking about others.
HIGHLIGHTED QUOTE: “The Love the Bible talks about wants the best for others, even when we're feeling disappointed.”
TIP OF THE DAY: Practice patience and kindness in your interactions today. Take a moment to breathe, let things unfold naturally, and be intentional about showing kindness through small gestures or a kind word.
TALKING TO GOD: Heavenly Father, grant me the strength to live out patience and kindness in my interactions. Forgive past lapses in jealousy and pride. May Your love guide my actions, reflecting Your grace in my relationships. In Jesus' name, I pray, amen.
How can I actively practice patience and kindness in my interactions today, especially when faced with situations that may trigger impatience or unkindness?
- Reflecting on the highlighted quote, "The love the Bible talks about wants the best for others, even when we're feeling disappointed," how can I ensure that my love for others is genuinely focused on their well-being, even in moments of personal disappointment or frustration?
- Considering the tips for dealing with friendships and relationships, how can I incorporate humility, avoid showing off, and be more understanding of others' needs to cultivate a love that reflects God's example of patience, kindness, and selflessness?