Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. – Galatians 6:2 NLT
When someone you care about is dealing with mental illness, it can be hard to know what to say or what to do. However, by offering genuine empathy and actively listening without judgment, you can be a part of Christ’s healing work in the lives of others when you carry their burdens and stand with them when they are hurting. Here are some great ways to help family members who are having trouble with their mental health.
1. Listen to them. You may be tempted to tell your family members how to fix their problems. But sometimes, you need to do more listening. Your loved one wants to be heard, not lectured to, nor do they want your opinion (unless they ask). Instead, tell them that you’re there whenever they want to talk. They will feel more secure knowing you’re there when they need someone to talk with.
2. Encourage them. Remember that even if someone in your family has a mental illness, they can still live full, happy lives. Tell the person you care about that their condition doesn’t define them. It’s not a flaw in their character; they can’t just snap out of it. Encourage them so that they can get better with treatment and support, especially when they are committed and consistent with the treatment.
3. Spend time together. Go out for a coffee, see a funny movie, or enjoy a walk in the park. Social connections are important, especially if your loved one is symptomatic with a mental health condition. They may isolate themselves, which can make the problem worse. Even if they turn down the invitation, keep trying. It will send the message that they are important to you. They will probably appreciate your efforts and may eventually say yes.
4. Be their partner in treatment. Don’t allow your loved one to go through it alone. Your support is vital for their treatment success. Offer to be involved in any way they need you to be. You can help them find good doctors, therapists, and help with treatment goals, and even keep track of their appointments. You can encourage loved ones regarding their real progress thus far, and also remind them to get enough sleep because good rest is essential in maintaining positive mental health stability.
5. Assist your loved one in reaching out for support. Your loved one needs a team of support around them to successfully move forward in dealing with their mental health issues. Several stressors in life can trigger a mental health breakdown, but there are several things you can do to help them deal with these stressors, stigmas, or challenges. Encourage them to exercise. This may include walking, jogging, biking, or visits to the gym. These are all helpful tools in dealing with symptoms. Help them by finding resources like support groups as a safe place to share their experiences with others who understand their pain.
Christian counseling can be a great help where your loved one can come to the place where they understand themselves and their symptoms and the triggers that constantly distract or overwhelm them.
The church is still the best place to find supportive relationships, prayer, and a loving pastoral connection. Sharing the importance of placing trust in God’s grace (2 Corinthians 12:9), meditating on God’s Word daily (John 15:1-7), and prayer (Matthew 6:9-14). These disciplines will provide spiritual support for stabilizing and focusing their attention on God daily. Click here to find a local church.
Dig Deeper
1. Read Ephesians 2:10 and Hebrews 10:24. One of the ways we can encourage our loved ones in their journey is to help them remember that God has good things planned for them and that He can use them even in their difficulty. Identify one way to encourage your loved one to do something good for themselves and someone else.
2. Praying with your loved one is a powerful way to connect with and support them in their healing journey. Set aside some time each day to pray for and with your loved one.