Faith & Finances: What the Bible Teaches Us

Posted on Tuesday, January 17, 2023 by K-LOVE Pastors

Faith and Finances: What the Bible Teaches Us

The Lord rules over the floodwaters. The Lord reigns as king forever. The Lord gives His people strength. The Lord blesses them with peace. - Psalm 29:10-11 NLT


“I’m sorry sweetie,” my husband Mike said, “but I had to cancel all appointments until the quarantine is lifted. I know, I know… we all look like that…” Mike sat on the couch, phone to his ear chewing his lip as he listened to his client lament her grown-out roots.  

He finished the call and stood, squinting as he closed the open apps on his phone before laying it on the table. Running both hands through his hair, he turned and stared at me. “Rent is due in three days.”  

I stood in our kitchen, cupping a hot mug of coffee watching him.  

“When we pay it…” he trailed off. 

“I know,” I said, taking a sip of coffee. As the bill keeper in our home, I have the skinny on the family financial portfolio and after six weeks of no income, “skinny” is the word. 

“What are we gonna do?” His eyes held mine. 

I took another sip and sighed, “I don’t know.” 

How many times has this type of scene played out in homes across our nation in the last month? In the last week?Sustained financial loss can challenge our faith in God’s concern for our welfare and His sovereign working in our lives. 

Yet, remembering God’s promises can strengthen our faith even in the throes of a financial crisis.

The Lord rules over the floodwaters. The Lord reigns as king forever. The Lord gives his people strength. The Lord blesses them with peace. - Psalm 29: 10-11 (NLT) 

Consider the great flood in Noah’s day. When the ground burst open under the feet of that ancient civilization and the sky seemed to fall in on itself, God reigned and took care of Noah. When a torrent of water spewed from the clouds flooding every valley, covering every mountain, and finding every crevice, God reigned and took care of Noah. While the giant boat pitched and moaned with Noah and his family tucked safely inside, God reigned as King over the flood Noah faced. 

Noah was a mighty man of faith who loved, trusted, and followed God. And God strengthened him as he prayed and waited with an angsty family and restless animals for the floodwaters to recede. But as the weeks passed, I imagine that even Noah eyed his dwindling supplies with an anxious heart. He had no way to plant any fields, harvest any crops, or trade any products. He could only wait and trust God to supply what he needed.  

The Rest of The Story 

I’m so glad we have the rest of Noah’s story because it tells how God pushed back the floodwaters and brought the ark safely to a mountain top. It shows us how He opened the door just when the decimated earth was ripe for a new beginning. It inspires us to greater faith that God will take care of us in our season of financial crisis. 

Out of love for Noah, God kept him afloat in the flood. Out of love for Noah, God opened the door so he and his family could leave the ark and begin again. Out of love for Noah, God faithfully provided exactly what he needed while in the ark and all he needed after he and his family left it. 

Out of love for you and me, He will do the same because God never changes.

The Lord rules over the floodwaters. The Lord reigns as king forever. The Lord gives his people strength. The Lord blesses them with peace. - Psalm 29: 10-11 (NLT) 

What a beautiful picture of anchoring truth to strengthen our faith today! 

God is in control 

The LORD —” Yahweh,” the self-existent, covenant-keeping God —” sits enthroned over the flood.” He doesn’t run back and forth. He isn’t standing on tiptoe to see what will happen. He isn’t braced for impact. He sits in calm, sovereign power  because He reigns as King over every aspect of His creation. 

Because God reigns as King forever, we can trust Him like Noah did to preserve us in our flood season. Because He reigns, we can trust Him with our dwindling supplies. Because He reigns, we can take our cue from Him– calm, confident, and at peace while we wait. 

Because He reigns, it will be okay.  

Next Steps: 

Here is a simple devotional tool I created to help us go deeper with God and gain a peace-giving perspective and to be a powerful witness for Christ in this crisis season. 

1. As you read your Bible, look for attributes (characteristics) you see that describe God. 

For example, from today’s passage: “The LORD gives his people strength” = God is powerful. 

2. Choose one attribute of God and make it your theme for that day. Write out the verse on an index card and keep it with you. Ask God to help you see Him demonstrating the attribute throughout the day. Record what you discovered at the end of the day. 

For example, I chose “God is powerful” as God’s attribute to focus on for today, so I could begin by writing down: 

  • This morning I saw God’s power at work in answer to prayer for a clear mind to finish this post. (Allergies cloud my thinking and leave me feeling drowsy!)

3. Review the verse that features this attribute throughout the day. (Remember that index card? This is a quick and painless way to memorize scripture!) 

4. Write down what you learned about God as a result of meditating on that attribute all day and share it with someone who needs it. 

Lord, I praise You as the King who reigns over every aspect of Your creation. Thank You for reminding me that You are in control of my life, and You will take care of me. Sometimes I feel trapped and helpless as I watch my bank account drop and a flood of fear and stress consumes me. But You reign with a heart of love and wisdom and preserve those who rely on You. Please give me the strength I need to trust You with my finances so I can be a source of peace for those around me. Amen.


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