“…Nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:39 (NLT)
Something happened 23 years ago that still haunts me today.
I was in high school handing out flyers for our youth group. A kid bumped into me and caused me to drop them. As he continued to walk by, another student asked, “Aren't you going to help pick those up?” I'll never forget what the boy said: “Who cares! It's just Jeff.”
In that moment, I felt like a loser. This kid didn't even really know me, but his words made me feel worthless. I went home that day feeling like I didn't fit in.
All of us have felt rejected, unimportant or unwanted. Those emotions are all part of the human experience, but they're painful nonetheless, especially during the Christmas season. The holidays can usher in all sorts of emotions that leave us feeling empty and lonely. Right now, you might be feeling unloved and unwanted because a relationship has ended. You might be feeling like a failure because your business tanked or your idea flopped. You might be feeling like your life lacks purpose because you can't find a place where your talents are nurtured and appreciated. These feelings are normal, but they don't tell the truth.
The truth is God is crazy about you. In today's verse, the Apostle Paul writes about God's endless love for you. Nothing you do will ever change the way He feels about you. The Father has always loved you and will never stop.
This day of the Advent season focuses on the love of God. When you feel unloved, remember you are God's beloved. You are a cherished child of God.
This Christmas season, don't let people's insensitivity to you cause you to forget God's love for you. Everyone is carrying doubts and insecurities-even the people who appear to have it all together. But don't let someone else's opinion drive your feelings. Instead, let the truth of God's love pervade your heart this Christmas.
Reflect and Respond:
- What three Scripture verses can you memorize this month to remind you of God's love?
- Set aside time this week to reflect on and thank God for His love for you.