The LORD is close to all who call on him, yes, to all who call on him in truth. -Psalm 145:18
A quick search on the Internet reveals countless articles and research about the relationship between loneliness and social media, news viewing and certain types of social support. It is hard to pinpoint why, when and how someone will experience bouts of loneliness. And while the research offers support for all sides, adding to the confusion, we can all agree that most people feel lonely at one time or another.
Loneliness is a conundrum for the Christian. The Bible tells us we are never alone, so why would or should we be lonely? The LORD reassures us throughout His word with promises like Deuteronomy 31:6 (NLT), So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid, and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” Moses reassured Joshua as he was about to take over for Moses and lead the Israelites into the promised land. We can only imagine Joshua's fear and trepidation as he was called to this daunting assignment.
Like Joshua, God promises to lead us, to go before us, and to surround us, therefore we are never alone. And yet, there are times we are lonely. There are many reasons from isolation to family history, to a chemical imbalance or even to Satan, the real enemy every believer faces!
Below are four factors to reflect on when you or someone you know experiences loneliness:
Recognize times of loneliness are not so unusual. King David, the prophet Elijah, Jonah, Job and many others experienced times of deep loneliness and even depression. Try and identify what is causing the loneliness. As mentioned above, there are a variety of reasons people experience loneliness, and identifying a possible cause can help resolve the feeling.
Reach Out to a friend or pastor or counselor. Let them know what you are experiencing. Together, a plan or a strategy can be developed to confront the loneliness. If you don't have a person to reach out to, reach out to the Internet and search for a local church, a community Bible Study or a Christian counselor. We all need community. Think about the many people in the Bible who went through tough times, and they reached out to someone. Queen Esther had Mordecai, King David had Jonathan, Naomi had Ruth. Mary, the mother of Jesus, had Elizabeth.
Resist Condemnation by knowing the truth. And the truth is “So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus….” Romans 8:1 (NLT) Nothing will make God love you less and beating yourself up only leads to more self-judgment and isolation.
Remember God is for you. Remember His Word and His promises. The verse above is a great reminder that God is close to all who call on Him. And like every person from the Bible we mentioned, God was with them. And He is with us! He cares. He comforts. He heals. He loves, and He listens.
What's Next:
- Are you lonely? Do you know someone who is? Don't allow the enemy to condemn you. Acknowledge the emotion and ask the LORD for help. Reach out to someone and ask for help. If you think someone is lonely, reach out and let them know you will walk with them. Be encouraged that our Heavenly Father loves us and will comfort us.