How to Find CALM During a Crisis

Posted on Friday, April 3, 2020 by K-LOVE Pastors

How to Find CALM During a Crisis

"So he took Joseph and threw him into the prison where the king’s prisoners were held, and there he remained. But the LORD was with Joseph..." Genesis 29:20-21 (NLT)

If anyone had a reason to be discouraged, it was Joseph. He was sold into slavery as a teenager by his brothers (Gen. 37:18-26), thrown in prison for a crime he didn’t commit (Gen 39), and abandoned by the one person who promised to plead his case (Gen. 40). To say he had been dealt a lousy hand would be an understatement.

Despite his circumstances, Joseph didn’t lose his head – or his faith.

Right now, we’re going through a global pandemic. Many people – like Joseph – have been separated from their homes, their routines, their jobs, and their loved ones. If you’re worried over how you’re going to get through this, you’re not alone. Here are four practices from the life of Joseph to help you find C.A.L.M. during this crisis.

CALM during a Crisis
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Continue to honor God.

Joseph could have been angry at God for his lot in life, but he chose to honor God in everything he did (Gen. 39:2). Even when his master’s wife tried to seduce him, Joseph ran from temptation – literally (Gen. 39:6-12). Don’t let what’s happening right now cause you to become bitter with God and turn your back on him.

Adjust your plans.

Joseph had to make a lot of adjustments to his plans. He went from son to slave, to prisoner, to second-in-command in Egypt (Gen. 39:19-41:36). When a global food pandemic hit, Joseph was put in charge of the relief efforts (Gen. 41:36-56). He planned, saved, and adjusted along the way. During this pandemic, we’re all having to make a lot of adjustments. Be mindful of what’s happening and make changes as you go.

Learn to forgive.

Joseph and his brothers reunited in Egypt after many years, only this time, Joseph was the one with all the power. He could have used it to take revenge, but instead, he used it to forgive and help his family (Gen. 42-50). Everyone is on edge right now. We need to do our part to extend love and grace to each other.

Minister to others.

In Genesis 50:20, Joseph said, “He [God] brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.” Likewise, as believers, we’re called to partner with God during this pandemic in the saving of many lives. Call a friend. Send an encouraging text. Take a meal to a neighbor. Those are ways you can minister to others during this crisis.

The story of COVID-19 is continuing to unfold. Many people are struggling to stay calm, but you don’t have to. Use these practices to experience more C.A.L.M in your life.


Soak and Reflect:

  1. What are you most worried about right now?
  2. Pick one C.A.L.M. practice to work on. Share how you will live that out this week.
Anxiety/StressCOVID19CrisisCurrent EventsDevotionalFaithMoneyPastor JeffAnxiety

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