And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28 (NLT)
At the age of nineteen, Jarryd Wallace, a collegiate track superstar, lost his leg to amputation due to a medical condition. Never one to give up, he qualified to compete in the London Paralympic Games in 2015. While in London, he tripped, causing his team to drop from 2nd place to 5th place. By the end of the competition, his team managed to climb back up to 3rd place, only to be disqualified later.
Afterwards, Jarryd wrestled with God through prayer, wondering why He would bring him so far just to let him trip and miss out on accomplishing his goal of winning a medal. Jarryd later shared with his pastor that he felt God telling him that so many more people would be able to relate to his story of tripping during the race than if he had won a medal.
Sometimes, in the Christian life, we want to wrap a pretty bow around every story. But many stories don't end that way. Jarryd's story, that day, ended with a trip, not a medal.
There's a great life lesson in this story. Life is not about winning or losing; it's about being faithful. Even when we trip, God may use that instance to bring someone else into the light of His grace and love. Part of experiencing God through life's storms is learning how to take steps toward Jesus every day. It's about believing, even in the dark times, that God is still good.
Look at the story of Jesus. When He hung on the cross, it looked like His earthly ministry had all been in vain. But three days later, He defeated death. His story is our story.
Jesus is the common element in every comeback story.
No matter where you find yourself today, I encourage you to fix your eyes on Jesus. Shift your focus from the mistakes of your past to the cross of Christ. The enemy wants us to focus on our failures. God wants us to shift our eyes to the cross where Jesus paid it all.
Friends, I promise, He is writing a beautiful story with your life! Even when you trip, He'll use it for good.
Reflect and Respond:
- What circumstances in your life do you need to surrender to God and trust Him with the outcome?
- What's one beautiful chapter God has written in your life?