Prayer is an essential element of the Christian experience, but with the chaos of schedules it’s sometimes difficult to set up a good and solid routine that we can keep up with.
When we hear the struggles others face we might say, “I’ll pray for you.” But too often we get sidetracked and forget. That said, there are some powerful tips you can follow if you’re looking to get yourself into better spiritual shape.
Intentionally Live Out Your Pledge
If you tell someone “I’ll pray for you,” be sure to live out that pledge. Consider taking your phone out or writing down the names of people who need prayer as well as their needs. You can jot it down or type it into your phone quickly in a notes document or other folder.
Then, you won’t forget to lift that person up to God.
Journal or Make a Prayer Board
Another way to ensure that you have everyone’s names and needs in one place is to create a journal or prayer board. Simply make a comprehensive list on paper or on a marker board that includes each person’s prayer request.
Then, set aside time in the morning or during the day to go through that board and lift each person up to the Lord. This is a simple way to keep your prayers and the needs of those around you organized -- and to live out your prayer promises.
Take the Cell Phone Challenge
For many of us, the first thing we do when we roll over in the morning is pick up our cell phones to check messages, the news or to surf social media. But what if we shifted our perspective? What if we challenged ourselves?
Instead of grabbing technology first thing in the morning, consider taking the “cell phone challenge.” For the next month, intentionally pause to pray after you wake up. This is a simple practice that you can do right from bed. Take the step to make God the first thing your mind gravitates toward, as this is a way to keep focused and ensure prayer takes center stage.
Plan a Quiet Time Every Morning
Mornings can be hectic, which is why planning is key. Consider setting your alarm 10 minutes earlier so you can schedule not only some prayer time, but some Bible reading as well. Keeping up on God’s word is an essential part of the Christian experience.
Scripture reading offers essential guidance that speaks to our hearts, compliments our prayers and teaches us how others have prayerfully turned to the Almighty. Chances are: if you increase Bible reading and devotional time, prayer time will increase as well along the way.
Sticky Notes & Scripture Writing
Consider buying some sticky notes or note cards and placing a scripture per day on each sheet. This is a great way to learn scripture, but beyond that it’s also an opportunity to pray through Bible verses as you seek to see them positively play out in your life.
You can place sticky notes around the house, on your bathroom mirror or in your office. These can serve as powerful reminders throughout the day to pray and seek God in all you do.
Have a Solid Mealtime Routine
Saying grace before a meal is an important way to give thanks to God for what’s in front of you, but beyond that it’s an essential time to gather the family together to focus on the importance of prayer. Pick a meal (or more than one meal) to make your grace extend beyond the meal.
Use this time to pray with your children and spouse about the victories and struggles of the day -- and look ahead to tomorrow. You can reflect, pray and discuss these issues in a truly powerful way, using mealtime as a benchmark to improve your faith walk each and every day.
Use Bible Apps for Important Reminders
If you’re looking to improve your faith life, consider heading over to YouVersion and following one of the amazing Bible studies that are available free-of-charge through the Bible app. The app will remind you to read each day’s devotion, a useful element for helping keep you on track.
About Pure Flix: Pure Flix streams wholesome movies, TV shows and more your entire family will enjoy. Article republished with permission from Pure Flix.