Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! – 2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT
When my son was a teenager, I gave him some wise advice about why it’s important to get out of bed before lunchtime. To drive the point home, I told him, “Remember, the early bird catches the worm.” Then all of a sudden, it hit me that I sounded just like my father! He said those exact same words to me when I was a teenager and had a problem waking up early in the morning. Not only do I sound like him, but the older I get the more I look like him. In so many ways, our personal identities are tied to our immediate families.
Just as our family shapes our personal identities, our faith in Jesus shapes our spiritual identities. If we fully embrace our identity in Christ, it impacts how we see ourselves and the world around us. As Christians, we find our true worth, purpose, and hope in our relationship with Jesus Christ. However, just as with any aspect of life, an unhealthy identity in Christ can emerge, leading to harmful effects on our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Let’s explore five signs that indicate you may have an unhealthy identity in Christ.
1. Constant Self-Criticism. A healthy identity in Christ encourages you to examine your life to see if you are becoming more like Him. However, if you are constantly self-critical, feeling unworthy of God’s love and grace, it may indicate an unbiblical identity. Your inner critic needs to be silenced by the truth of God’s Word. You are a new creation in Christ Jesus, His masterpiece, and a trophy of His grace! Allow yourself to fully embrace God’s forgiveness and redemption without being self-critical.
2. Perfectionism. Do you find yourself listening to that inner voice pouncing on your mistakes? Do you ever feel like you can’t ever do enough for God? If you believe you must live faultlessly to receive God’s smile, then you deny the concept of His grace. That mindset can lead to anxiety, depression, and a constant fear of failure. A good father isn’t hard on his children to be perfect, but instead, God is kind, compassionate, gentle, and loving. Because of what Jesus has done to bring peace and harmony in your relationship with God, do you know how satisfied He is with you?
3. Overemphasis on Doing. An unhealthy identity in Christ may show itself through an overemphasis on feeling the need to do good deeds to earn your salvation or God’s favor. This weakens the significance of God’s grace and can lead to a faith focused on your performance rather than a genuine relationship with God based on His performance.
4. A Spirit of Comparison. Gauging your spiritual growth or worth based on how you measure up to others undermines the unique journey God has planned out just for you. This can cause envy, bitterness, and resentment in your heart. It also weakens your understanding that God has a personalized path for you as you follow Jesus.
5. Spiritual Pride. Do you struggle with a feeling you need to be at a certain spiritual level to get God’s approval? Trying to attain your own righteousness apart from Jesus, is the same thing that the Pharisees were doing in the first century. This ungodly pursuit can undermine the core Christ-like values of humility and unity. Throughout the pages of the gospels, Jesus was criticized by the Jewish spiritual leaders for spending time with people who were not considered worthy of their time. Identity in Christ involves the need for humility, love, and acceptance of others regardless of their level of spiritual maturity.
6. Self-Reliance. If you depend solely on your abilities, you may neglect the importance of seeking God’s guidance and strength (Psalm 37:23). Trusting your own strength or ability hinders your spiritual growth and can rob you of experiencing God’s blessings in your life. The journey ahead must be in full dependence and trust in the Good Shepherd.
7. Lack of Forgiveness. Forgiveness is a choice and a process. The deeper the hurt inflicted the longer it may take you to forgive. But refusing to forgive creates bitterness and can keep you from fully embracing God’s love and forgiveness given to you. If you want to continue to grow spiritually, you and I must choose to let go of the offenses done to us. Remember the words of Jesus, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34)
8. Fear of Punishment. When I was kid, I used to think God was just waiting to catch me doing something wrong so He could zap me with a bolt of lightning. Later in life, I realized God loves me and wants to bring blessings to my life. While accountability is important, an unhealthy emphasis on fear of punishment can prevent you from experiencing more of God’s love and kindness given to you freely.
Dig Deeper
1. Reflecting on the list above do you find any areas in your life that may be hampering your identity in Christ?
2. Read the verses listed below to help you develop a stronger identity in Christ.