O LORD, how long will You forget me? Forever? How long will You look the other way? - Psalm 13:1 NLT
Sometimes it feels like God's voice can't be heard. Sometimes it seems like the answers we need are beyond our reach. So there's a silence, like our prayers fall into a void, to be forever unanswered. And like David in Psalm 13, it may have been a while since we felt anything.
We all have questions, hurts, and problems, but answers? Sometimes we don't hear a thing. Don't worry; you're not alone in feeling that way. I've been there. David's been there. Check-in on any of God's Old Testament prophets; they've been there, too.
I love Psalm 13 for this reason and that it's super short and easy to remember. Clocking in at a whopping 6 verses long, we see David's struggling faith take up 4 of the 6.
In the first 2 verses, he cries out 4 times, "HOW LONG?!" to God. And if it's feeling like forever to him, we're reminded it's not just one bad day. It has been a season of difficulty. His faith is struggling, and he's just fine letting God know about it. I know you know how this feels. I own the t-shirt on this feeling, too.
In the middle two verses, He tells God his hope is just about spent and that the bad guys and troublemakers in his life may claim the victory. He's considering throwing in the towel on the whole thing.
It's a low place to be.
As important as it is for David to share what's on his heart, he knows he can't just sit in his doubts. In fact, he refuses to any longer!
Listen to the last two life-giving verses:
"But I trust in your unfailing love. I will rejoice because you have rescued me. I will sing to the LORD because he is good to me." - Psalm 13:5-6 (NLT)
When David is faced with this seemingly eternal silence and struggle, he is forced to remember better times. He is drawn to remember God's faithfulness. This is key to breaking out of the funk and the solution when losing faith in God.
Why do we lose faith in God?
We get distracted.
How can we regain faith in God?
We regain faith by remembering His faithfulness!
It's so simple, and it's so true. God's love is more significant than our troubles or lack of faith.
And if I can't remember anything, I need to talk to someone who does! David's testimony of God's goodness was enough to snap him out and restore his faith.
This was God calling to his heart the whole time, "Look to Me!"
Remember to...

Pause and Reflect
- Who do you know that loves Jesus today? Schedule some time soon to talk with them.
- What person in Scripture has a story like yours? Go re-read it, see what God did in their life, and prayerfully ask Him to guide you, too.
RELATED CONTENT: 8 Prayers For When You Are Losing Faith