So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. - Galatians 6:9 NLT
Have you ever felt tired, worn out, or just outright exhausted? I sure have. Last month I ran a 5K. The weather was cold, and it was rainy. It was an absolutely miserable day for a race. As I began to run, the rain was chilling my body, and I struggled to breathe in the cold air. It seemed like all the younger, and stronger runners were passing me by. I felt old and out of shape.
Around the two-mile mark, I hit a wall, but I was determined to keep my pace even though my mind and body were telling me to slow down and just coast in with an easy jog. Thankfully, I eventually found my second wind and pressed in. It felt great when I crossed the finish line, and the medal was placed around my neck. I was pleased with my time, especially given the weather conditions.
I knew that I had finished well, but it was not until I looked at the overall standings that I realized I came in first for my age group. I was so glad l didn’t give up. I immediately texted my son to share my news. It's funny, the distance, the cold air, and the drain no longer seemed to matter because the reward of finishing first in my age category felt terrific.
The same can be true in our lives. There are a million walls along the way that we hit that can make us feel like giving up. Difficulties at work, our finances, family issues, and life-dominating sins can all cause us to be tempted to put our spiritual lives on auto-pilot.
Have you encountered some difficulties that have caused you to coast in your spiritual run? Have you found yourself neglecting quiet time with God, reading your Bible or praying?
Today’s verse in Galatians 6:9 encourages us to persevere. We may not have enough stamina on our own, but we can tap into the divine strength that comes only from Christ. The Bible reminds us in Philippians 4:13, “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”
When you feel like giving up, press into your relationship with God for the strength to make it to the finish line.
Dig Deeper
1. What’s one practical thing you can do to stay focused on running the race before you?
2. What cheerleaders are in your corner? Make a list of the people you know will be cheering you on along the way.