Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. – Psalm 139:23 NLT
In a culture that celebrates fast-paced business, it’s hard to slow down, reflect, and examine our lives. But an unexamined life is dangerous because it’s like running full speed with your eyes closed. A crash is inevitable, and growth without self-examination is impossible. The habits we build today will shape who we become tomorrow. This is why it’s essential to examine our actions and strive for change.
However, this change can only happen as we lean on God for strength. Disciplining ourselves is important, but we do not rely on our efforts to change. It begins when we take the attention off ourselves and focus on loving and knowing Jesus. As we get to know Jesus, we also grow in knowing who we are. This is how transformation begins. It always starts with knowing God.
To help you slow down, examine your life, and reflect, here is a guide for a prayer of self-examination. Below are a few points to consider as you pray.
1. Begin with gratitude. First, thank God for the gift of His presence. As you begin praying, realize He is in your midst. Make it a habit to notice the good in your life and give thanks. If you are struggling to give thanks, ask God to reveal your life’s blessings. There is always something to be grateful for. Count your blessings!
2. Examine your heart. Ask God to reveal anything preventing you from drawing close to Him. Maybe it’s offense, a broken relationship, the cares of this world, or finances. Talk to God about it. He is a loving Father who delights in hearing from you.
3. Reflect on your day. What went well? What is one area you can improve on? Remember, reflection is for the purpose of moving forward.
4. Repent. Identify and confess to the Lord areas you fell short in. Receive His grace and know that His grace for you is not based on how good you are. It is constant and available daily. Just ask for it.
5. Look forward. Remember, new opportunities await you! Lamentations 3:23 reminds us, “His mercies begin afresh each morning.” Every day is a new opportunity to grow in your faith and your relationship with the Lord.
Dig Deeper
1. Set aside at least one time a day to start praying the examination prayer.
2. Do you like the direction your habits are taking you in? If not, what can you do to change that?
3. Why is reflecting on God so important to your growth as a Christian?