Let those who are wise understand these things. Let those with discernment listen carefully. The paths of the LORD are true and right, and righteous people live by walking in them. But in those paths, sinners stumble and fall. – Hosea 14:9 NLT
Have you ever met someone who just seemed to know when something or someone wasn’t right? It’s as if they have a built-in alarm that goes off when danger is close. How do they know what to expect and what to do? When they meet someone in trouble, they know what to say to help them. Is it their intuition, or is it what scripture describes as discernment?
The Bible shows us that discernment is more than just having a sixth sense or being able to read people very well. It’s knowing how to apply the Bible and follow the Holy Spirit in our experiences.
The Bible makes it clear that having discernment is always a gift. We can’t make ourselves wise, but we can open ourselves up to receive it. It’s not a formula or a method but rather a means of letting God guide us. Friendship with God is the only path to knowing and doing God’s will. This can be done through prayer, quiet times of listening and staying aware.
Imagine an older married couple sitting on their front porch, enjoying each other’s company and meeting each other’s needs without saying a word. The wife looks over at her husband and immediately knows to get him an iced tea. With another glance, she can tell him that it’s getting too hot, so he gets up and pulls the shade. They understand one another. They have spent enough time in each other’s presence to anticipate what is next. They can discern each other’s needs.
You can foster this kind of connection with God. Here are three questions that help us slow down and consider God in all we do. Answering these can help us learn how God works and how He shows up in our life.
1. Where is God at work in this? Another way of saying this is, “what is God wanting to do or accomplish in this situation?” The answer helps you remember that your life is connected to God’s plan. He is always aware and present with you to lead you through each moment.
2. How is this situation making room for the work of Jesus in my life and the lives of those involved? I remember years ago wearing the WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) bracelets as a reminder to respond to life in a way that would please and honor God. This is how we put on the mind and thoughts of Christ. Submit to what the Holy Spirit may be showing you need to work on in your own heart. If something is out of alignment, let Him guide you into a process of prayerful focus and transformation.
3. How is Godly love being expressed in this moment? I use this question to help me listen to God’s Word and act based on what I know of God, not only what the situation feels like to me. How does God love the people involved in this situation and me? How does He want me to express His love to those people?
Dig Deeper
1. Read Romans 12:1-2. Where has God challenged your thinking about something? Did you listen? Why or why not?
2. Take some time to slow down and write down three ways that you recognize God is already at work in your life.