O Israel, hope in the LORD; for with the LORD there is unfailing love. His redemption overflows. – Psalm 130:7 NLT
I was totally devastated. My career project which lasted eight years came crashing down right before my eyes. I was crushed when I discovered that I lost six figures worth of the organization’s resources, as well as hundreds of working man-hours that were wasted in the process. I had investigated, promoted, and planned this business endeavor with my whole heart, so pulling the plug on the project was more than an admission of defeat; it was as though I had ruined eight years of my life.
To be honest, I had made some bad decisions, and internally I knew the truth that I was being impatient and taking matters into my own hands. So at the end of the day, the project failed because I was not willing to follow the clear leadership of God and sound counsel from others. The failure was so huge it could have prevented me from moving forward with my life, but God had other plans up His sleeve.
In the years that followed my failure, I was able to see how God worked out all things for His glory and my good. To my complete surprise, the forced redirection was the catalyst for an even greater project to begin! In the end, the funds lost were miraculously recovered and used for the new project, and the people who had faithfully served before were given an even greater opportunity for success. We were all in agreement that the failure ended up being a good source of education for our team, although I wish my embarrassment could have been avoided, but it turned out to be a very valuable learning experience. If you have experienced similar feelings or circumstances like this before, here are five important things you can implement in your life to recover from a career setback.
1. Embrace your eternal identity and purpose. Remember your identity is not defined by your career failures or successes. Your purpose transcends any specific job or role that you take on. Ground yourself in the understanding that God is shaping you to become more like Jesus, and your life’s journey is about experientially knowing Him and reflecting Him to others.
2. Learn from failure. Don’t let past failures define you; instead, view them as opportunities for growth and experiencing His overflowing redemption. Reflect on what went wrong, identify lessons learned, and consider how those experiences can shape your future decisions. Seek wisdom from your failures and use them as stepping stones toward improvement. Learn from your mistakes and don’t waste those hard-earned experiences. You should be a faithful steward of all God has entrusted to you, even your failures, and use it all for His glory.
3. Trust in God’s sovereignty. God can use any circumstance in your life to write an incredible story. Fear of failure can paralyze you, preventing you from exploring new opportunities to see what God has in store, so understand that stepping out of your comfort zone and continuing to press forward is essential for healthy growth. Trust that He can bring good even out of the most difficult situations. Keep Romans 8:28-29 in mind as a reminder that God is working everything for your ultimate good and aligning you with His purposes and plans.
4. Shift your perspective on success. Instead of measuring success solely by external achievements, consider aligning your goals with making a positive impact, serving others, and glorifying God. This shift can help you find fulfillment beyond traditional career measurements.
5. Pray and seek guidance. Maintain a consistent prayer life and seek after God’s will, wisdom, guidance, and discernment. Consult His Word for inspiration and direction as you navigate your career journey. Surround yourself with a supportive community of fellow believers who can provide encouragement, advice, and accountability. Share your struggles and victories with others you trust to lighten the heavy load and help you gain God’s perspective.
Dig Deeper
1. What resources and skills has God given you? How could you use them to expand God’s Kingdom on earth?
2. If you are being really honest, is there a place in your life where you are trying to force your own will? What’s one step you can take to surrender to God’s will today?