Day 29: When You’re Wondering if God Still Loves You

Posted on Wednesday, February 28, 2024 by K-LOVE Pastors

Daily Faith Challenge

“This is real love - not that we loved God, but that He loved us and 
sent His Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.” – 1 John 4:10 (NLT) 

On July 9, 2020, six-year-old Bridger Walker did something unforgettable. Seeing that an angry German Shepherd was charging at his four-year-old sister, Bridger threw himself between the dog and his sister, saving her life. 

After the attack, Bridger underwent a two-hour surgery in which he received 90 stitches. When his dad asked him why he jumped in front of his sister, Bridger said, “If someone had to die, I thought it should be me.”

What Bridger did for his sister that day is a beautiful picture of what Jesus Christ did for you and me on the cross. He saw what our sin was going to do to us and allowed Himself to be nailed to that cross because He would rather have died than us. 

In 1 John 4:10, the Apostle John, who witnessed the death of Jesus, writes that real love isn’t defined by how we love God, but how He loves us and displayed that love by sacrificing His Son in our place. Our Heavenly Father’s love for us isn’t just a feeling or beautiful poetry that we read about; it’s displayed perfectly in everything Jesus endured on the cross for us. He didn’t just say He loved us; He showed it by giving up His life so that You and I could have eternal life. 

When painful circumstances come into our lives, whether it’s because of our choices, circumstances outside of our control or both, it can cause us to question God’s love for us. Whenever you’re not sure how the Lord feels about you, remember what Jesus did for You.

Real love isn’t defined by how we love God, but how He loves us and displayed that love by sacrificing His son in our place.” 

Tip of the Day 

Schedule a few minutes today to be alone with God to thank Him for sending Jesus to die on the cross for your sins. Maybe you write Him a letter, sing one of your favorite praise songs to Him in the car or simply take time to pause and express your gratitude through prayer. 


Dear God, I’m so grateful for the love You have for me. Your love is infinite and perfect. My love is flawed and finite. I know I’ll never fully be able to comprehend Your love for me, but I know I am blessed by You. When I’m going through hard times, help me to remember the depth of Your love so that I can have the strength to face whatever comes my way. 

Pause and Reflect 

How does the story of Bridger Walker jumping in front of his sister illustrate the concept of sacrificial love? 

Reflect on a time when you questioned God's love for you. What helped you overcome those doubts? 

In what practical ways can you remind yourself of God's love during challenging times?


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