Day 28: God’s Love in Action

Posted on Tuesday, February 27, 2024 by K-LOVE Pastors

Daily Faith Challenge

"But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you." - Matthew 5:44 NLT 

During the Rwandan Genocide in 1994, a woman named Immaculée Ilibagiza survived the violence, seeking refuge in a pastor's house with other women. As the violence escalated, they hid in a bathroom for 91 days. Immaculée prayed for those responsible, embodying Matthew 5:44. 

After the genocide, Immaculée faced the challenge of forgiving her perpetrators, including one of the men involved in her family's killing. And she did! She demonstrated Christ’s love and forgiveness. Overwhelmed by guilt, Felicien begged for forgiveness. Empowered by Jesus' words, Immaculée embraced and forgave him. What an illustration of Jesus' transformative message! 

Immaculée's ability mirrors our Savior, who modeled forgiveness 2,000 years ago by dying on the cross for His enemies. Jesus never asks us to do what He hasn't done first. Does His teaching contradict human nature and logic? Absolutely, but God's love surpasses man's love alone. 

God's love reconciles the unreconcilable and heals the impossibly broken. Jesus' sacrificial death was the greatest act of love. Romans 5:8 says, "But God showed His great love by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners." God loved us when we were His enemies, enabling us to love our enemies likewise. 

"God's love can reconcile the unreconcilable and heal the impossibly broken." 

Tip of the Day 

Practice forgiveness today by choosing one person who may have wronged you and pray for their well-being and healing. 


Dear God, like Immaculée, grant me strength to love and forgive those who may have hurt me. Help me understand the depth of Your love, which overcame human logic. Just as Jesus forgave on the cross, guide me to extend grace, knowing Your love can heal the most broken situations. In Jesus’ name, amen. 
Pause and Reflect 

How can you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you? 

Reflect on Immaculée’s remarkable decision to forgive. Are there individuals in your life whom you need to forgive? How can you embody love and forgiveness to them? 

God's love has the power to heal even the most challenging circumstances. In what ways can you actively demonstrate God's reconciling love? 


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