Dr. Ben Carson Helps With Housing

Thursday, September 26 2019 by Ed Lenane/Marya Morgan

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Dr. Ben Carson smiling, speaking into microphone
AP/Mike Kittrell

(Washington, D.C. -- Closer Look) -- Dr. Ben Carson had firm plans to retire when he turned 61, citing disturbing mathematical statistics on the average life span of brain surgeons. But at age 67, not only is he still working fulltime, he has been called to serve his country as U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

Carson says his job as head of HUD combines his medical skill with his deep desire to help people escape poverty. “Bureaucrats are people who think that the rules are more important than the goals -- but surgeons are the opposite -- let’s just get it done.”

Under his leadership, HUD finally modernized outdated computer-tracking systems, holds various expos to explore innovative construction like 3D-printed houses and has established or maintained a number of grant programs aimed at revitalizing low-income communities.

Describing himself as a man of ‘deep faith,’ Dr. Carson told Closer Look’s Ed Lenane at his office in D.C. that he relies on God to help him lead the agency. “I start every day with prayer, asking God for wisdom and guidance.” 

Hear Ed’s Closer Look conversation with Dr. Carson here.

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