Don't Let The Dreaded 'Disney Rash' Derail Your Vacation

Monday, March 20 2023 by Monica Fish

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AP /Chris Carlson

A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report found that more than 15 percent of American adults are physically inactive. Additionally, according to the Mayo Clinic, they walk only 3,000 to 4,000 steps, on average, daily. That's less than 20% of the recommended minimum amount of movement.

Between increasing remote work and a rise in jobs that require people to be in front of a computer all day, Americans have become more sedentary.

So what happens when Americans visit a Disney theme park and take 20,000 steps or more a day in hot, humid weather? Many get the ‘Disney rash.'

If you plan on visiting Disney or any other theme park in a warm climate, here's what you can do to prevent it and what items you should bring to treat it.

It Turns Out The Disney Rash Isn't Actually a Rash

It is a nickname for exercise-induced vasculitis (EIV). This condition also happens to runners, dancers, hikers, golfers, swimmers, or simply those standing for long periods in warm climates and heat.

"When the body goes through a vigorous, active period, like prolonged walking, running, or playing sports, it creates an imbalance in the normal functioning of the vascular system," said Dr. Sony Sherpa. "This leads to swollen and weakened capillaries, which can lead to redness and discomfort."

"These painful, red or purple splotches appear on areas of the skin not covered by clothing and last anywhere from 3-10 days," added Catherine Burger, MSOL, RN, NEA-BC, and Chief Nursing Officer. "It appears in people who typically are not active yet suddenly spend hours walking in hot or humid weather."

"Although the exact cause of this condition is unknown, some scientists think that the combination of heat exposure and exercise can damage both muscle fibers and blood vessels, leading to the development of a rash," said Kelly Johnson-Arbor, MD, board-certified emergency medicine physician.

Fortunately, it isn't dangerous or life-threatening and usually disappears on its own. However, it can cause an uncomfortable feeling of itchiness, stinging sensation, or even pain.

If you get the Disney rash, it will most likely stick around long enough to put a damper on your trip to the happiest place on earth.

How Can You Prepare for a Disney Trip to Prevent It?

A lack of regular exercise combined with the sheer size of theme parks and the Florida heat is a recipe for disaster. Disney's Magic Kingdom is 142 acres, and Animal Kingdom, Disney's largest park, is over 500 acres.

"If your body is not used to prolonged periods of walking, especially in the heat, you are more likely to end up with EIV. Start a daily walking routine a few months before your trip and slowly increase your distances to tolerance," recommended Dr. Peter J. Scordilis, a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician at Scordilis Health and Performance Center.

"If you live in a cold climate, it is better to perform these workouts indoors so the temperature is closer to what you will experience in Florida.

"Preparing your body, especially your blood vessels, will reduce the risk of inflammation due to overexertion. You can also perform some gentle lower body mobility exercises to prepare your ankles and calves for the increased movement," added Scordilis.

What Items Should I Pack In My Suitcase To Help Prevent The Disney Rash?

While the exact cause of the condition is unknown, and there is no foolproof way to prevent it, experts recommend wearing the following items to give you a leg up against the Disney rash:

What Can I Do During Amusement Park Days To Prevent It?

When planning theme park days, most people try to squeeze in as many Disney rides and attractions as possible. However, keeping your health in mind is essential, or EIV may bring down a much-looked-forward-to trip.

Experts recommend incorporating the following healthy habits to reduce the possibility of getting the Disney rash:

I've Gotten The Disney Rash; What Should I Do?

"Cooling down properly and avoiding overexertion are key interventions," said Sherpa. "Apply an ice pack on the affected area and elevate your feet to improve circulation."

Even if you're in the park and have none of the recommended items in your bag, you can still treat a Disney rash immediately.

According to Viktoryia Kazlouskaya, a board-certified dermatologist, only in rare instances is the rash severe and requires further attention from a doctor.

Don't Let The Disney Rash Derail Your Very Expensive Trip

A basic Disney vacation for a family of four costs over $6,000 for transportation, lodging, food, and park tickets. With some preparation, a smartly packed suitcase, and a prepared park backpack, you'll keep yourself and your family off the sidelines and in line for all the Disney rides and attractions you've dreamed of experiencing.

This article was produced and syndicated by Wealth of Geeks.

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