Avocados — Definitely A Star In The World Of Healthy Food: Healthy Fats, Vitamins, Minerals

Monday, July 1 2024 by Iryna Bychkiv

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A worker packs avocados at a plant in Uruapan, Michoacan state, Mexico
AP Photo/Armando Solis

June is California avocado month. Avocado consumption has been on the rise since the early 2000s, and according to the latest numbers from 2022, Americans eat approximately 2.8 billion pounds worth of avocados every year.

North America contributes 34% to the growth of the global market. Every year, the United States – mostly California – produces 400 million pounds of avocados. That was plenty 20 years ago. However, as more experts and dieticians recognize or promote the health benefits of the fruit, local growers couldn’t keep up. In 2021, 90% of the nation’s avocado supply — 2.675 billion pounds — has come from Mexico and other South American countries.

The continental fixation on this soft green stone fruit comes from its newfound status as a dietary staple. Avocados’ nutrient density and versatility for various dishes and cuisines expand its appeal.

The Nutritional Benefits of Avocados

Debenefit the body. Avocados are high in monounsaturated fat but low in carbohydrates — ideal for diabetic and low-inflammation diets. These fats do not elevate blood cholesterol, making them ideal for low-cholesterol diets, which often remove butter and other oils. The fruit’s high-fat content also benefits vegan and vegetarian diets, providing accessible, vital nutrients.

Avocados contribute to a balanced and nutritious diet as a valuable source of other critical nutrients. Their high fiber, potassium, and fiber fulfill several balanced nutrition regimens like the Mediterranean and DASH styles. Studies from Penn State University and Harvard show the health benefits of adding avocado to your diet — even as often as once a day.

These nutritional benefits play a large role in the surge in popularity. Different dietary needs can be expensive, but avocados offer a cost-effective way to obtain essential nutrients.

Accessible Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Aside from their nutritional density, avocados are easy to find. Other superfoods are seasonal, limiting how often people can buy them and increasing prices. With any produce, shortages occur when disease and nature strike, increasing prices. Yet avocado’s popularity increases the number of people who grow it, making it more attainable.

Grocery and convenience stores sell avocado, fresh or processed. Avocados are popular among those who seek healthy lifestyle choices, thanks to its cholesterol-lowering properties and potential to serve as a protein source.

Its year-round availability makes it a staple in various establishments, such as hotels, restaurants, and cafes. Processed avocados are gaining traction in vegetarian salads and other dishes.

More than 3,000 California growers cultivate nearly 1,000 different types of avocados on 50,000 acres of farmland. This increased production leads to revenue and volume growth. A preference for nutritious snacks drives import demand in many markets.

Exploring Avocados and Their Uses

Avocados are widely used in the hospitality industry. They are incorporated into various dishes and used as substitutes for processed foods.

If these stone fruits work well in restaurants and stores, imagine their use in the home. It’s a running joke among their elders that millennials pay too much for fancy coffee and avocado toast. But mixed with seasoning and occasionally a fried egg, it’s a healthy, filling breakfast.

Although green smoothies usually contain spinach or kale, why not try blending in an avocado – minus the pit, of course. Its milder, nutty taste allows for a sweet or subtle blend of flavors with banana, spinach, and preferred dairy for a satisfying treat.

Consider guacamole for a healthy, popular dip. As the main ingredient, the avocado needs additional flavors. Adding onion, tomato, lime juice, and salt creates a tasty dip or topping choice for tacos. Avocados are also a great addition to salads for extra flavor and fat.

Prioritizing Healthy Food

Making health-conscious food choices takes effort. Planning fresh meals throughout the week for a single adult or an entire family takes time, too. With nutrient-dense superfoods, cooking healthier options gets simpler.

Whole, unprocessed foods provide essential vitamins and minerals that enrich any meal. Fresh produce like avocados, lean proteins, and whole grains leave bodies satiated. A fuller stomach decreases low blood sugar cravings and saying no to midnight snacks.

Home-cooked meals allow more control over ingredients and portion sizes. Meal planning and prep make creating balanced dishes high in essential nourishment easier. Using superfoods like avocados simplifies healthier eating.

With the continued growth in demand for clean eating and healthy food, superfoods like avocados are becoming more popular. The market growth rate of this stone fruit shows how popular adaptable, organic foods are.

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