Sticker Shock at the Gas Pump? Discounted Gas Can Be Yours

Wednesday, March 9 2022 by Wealth of Geeks via AP

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Person holding gas pump nozzle pumping gas
AP/Alan Diaz
Gas Pump Nozzle

Whether you blame the current president, the past president or the Russian president, there's no denying that gas prices have skyrocketed in the past couple of weeks, leaping up 15-20 percent across the country just since the invasion of Ukraine.

While you still won't get as many gallons per dollar as you did last week, there are ways to offset the outlay or earn gas cards to cover the cost for little to no additional expense.

If filling up your tank is breaking the bank, take a look at these ways to reduce or even eliminate your gas expense.

Daily Purchases Add Up

If you buy groceries, gas, and other items already, you might be able to leverage these purchases to earn free gas.

Many credit card companies offer cash-back rewards in the form of gift cards, and your local grocery store or gas station might have a program that helps shoppers earn free gas at their affiliated gas stations.

Credit Card Rewards

Many credit cards have travel rebates or travel rewards to inspire customer loyalty. For example, the Best Western credit card lets you accumulate points to use in exchange for free nights in their hotels. However, this card and other travel credit cards also allow users to redeem their points for fuel at participating gas stations.

Credit cards often have an online portal that allows you to log in and choose how you will use your credit card points. Search this portal for gas card promotions and redemptions and order your gas cards from here. Before you take out your next credit card, be sure to evaluate what the annual fee on it is and what gas stations will allow you to redeem your points.

Collect Grocery Store Gas Points

Many grocery stores have gas stations that they affiliate with. Some offer the chance to accumulate points for discounts of 10-20-cents, or even up to a $1.00 off per gallon of gas with every purchase. Buying certain items, like gift cards, may also yield double or triple points, and brands even get into the mix, adding an extra 5-cents off per gallon for buying Cheerios or Coca-Cola.

Check with your local stores to find out which brands of gas they're connected with, and how much you can save. Oftentimes larger chains like Kroger, Meijer's, Albertsons and HyVee have better deals, so shop around, and double check - your "local" store might be owned by a larger chain.

You can also double down on the gas savings by buying groceries on your credit card. This way, you'll earn credit card points at the same time as collecting points at your local grocery store.

Join Gas Station Rewards Programs

Sometimes, the best rewards programs are loyalty programs. If you know that you always purchase your gas from the same gas station or brand, you should sign up for a gas station rewards program. While each one has different parameters, they all operate similarly.

If you have cards for free gas that you've redeemed from survey sites or credit card points, you can use gas station rewards programs to help your gift cards stretch farther. For example, if you fill your 10-gallon tank at $2.50 per gallon, your gas bill would come to $25. If you receive $0.10 off per gallon with a gas station rewards card and had earned a $20 gas card, your final gas bill would only be $2.50.

When you purchase gas from the same gas station regularly, you can earn a few cents off per gallon. Some of our favorite loyalty programs for free gas include:

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