Efforts To Have Bust Of Margaret Sanger Removed From Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery

Friday, June 26 2020 by Stanton Public Policy Center

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Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood
Smithsonian/National Portrait Gallery
Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood

Stanton Public Policy Center is a Woman's advocacy and educational group that works on issues of human rights and justice that empower and inspire women.  It is affiliated with Stanton Healthcare which has life-affirming women's health clinics in America and internationally.

As part of the campaign, Congressman Russ Fulcher, recently sent a letter to the Honorable Secretary Lonnie G. Bunch III, who is the head of the Smithsonian Institution. In his letter, Congressman Fulcher asked for the removal of Margaret Sanger's bust from the National Portrait Gallery.

Here is a link which contains Congressman Fulcher's full letter:

Below are some excerpts from the letter to Secretary Bunch:

"In recent weeks, our nation has confronted the issue of racial injustice with the killing of George Floyd. Seeing a police officer kneeling on Mr. Floyd's neck for almost nine minutes while he screamed, 'I can't breathe,' sent shock waves through America, re-igniting a national conversation on race and inequity in our society.

That is why it is so troubling the National Portrait Gallery features a bust of Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood. As our nation struggles to address racial injustice, it is unconscionable that an avowed racist and eugenicist is featured so prominently.

Ms. Sanger's writings and teachings stand in sharp contrast to America's founding principles which embrace equality, justice and human rights for all."

Brandi Swindell, Founder and CEO of Stanton Public Policy Center, states;

"As the founder of an organization which centers on human rights and equality for all, the horrific killing of George Floyd draws attention to the great divide America still has concerning racial injustice. During these challenging times, it is critical the National Portrait Gallery provide us with examples of heroes who offer hope and courage which inspire each of us to work for a nation where all are treated with dignity and equality. Sadly, Margaret Sanger's racist views and actions stand in stark contrast to these lofty ideals."

Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Chief Strategy Officer for Stanton Public Policy Center, comments: "The national campaign to remove the bust of a racist like Margaret Sanger from the National Portrait Gallery is not an attempt to rewrite or change history. Rather, it is a way to ensure we celebrate individuals whose lives reflect and embody the very best of who we are as a nation and honor the values we cherish. 

As America confronts racial injustice, it is critical our national institutions honor those who have inspired us to be our 'better selves' instead of honoring those who malign and diminish entire communities."

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