NYC Youth Leader Changing Lives Of At-Risk Young People Through Entrepreneur Program (+podcast)

Saturday, October 23 2021 by Rafael Sierra, Jr.

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Youth For Christ NYC Entrepreneur Program
Youth For Christ NYC
Youth For Christ NYC Entrepreneur Program

K-LOVE’s Positive People – by Rafael Sierra, Jr. (complete podcast available) (more Positive People stories)

Daniel Sanabria wanted to make a difference in the lives of at-risk young people. So, he began an entrepreneur program designed to teach current and formerly incarcerated young people business skills, with the hopes of teaching them to be responsible.

“I want kids not to go to jail anymore. I want kids to know they have a purpose. They’re created to work; they’re created to become who they are in Christ.” 

Daniel heads Youth for Christ New NYC. He says it’s exciting to see these kids learn how to start their own business and learn the skills that could potentially keep them out of trouble. 

“We go through step by step, how to open a business - the vision, the mission statement, what type of story they want to bring forward, what type of business they want to be involved in.” Sanabria says he wants these kids to survive in this city and thinks business is the way to go.

But his intentions are much more than teaching at-risk kids how to start a business. “Our purpose for this is disciple young people, but also give them a tool that they can use to pursue when they come out.”

Sanabria’s hopes these kids will learn how to create a business or be part of a corporation - or be whatever they want to be and be successful at it. But his main goal he says, is for these kids to follow Christ.

Listen to full interview below:

Three young people from Youth For Christ NYC Entrepreneur Program
[Photo Credit: Youth For Christ New York City] Youth For Christ NYC Entrepreneur Program
 Youth For Christ NYC Entrepreneur Program
[Photo Credit: Youth For Christ NYC] Youth For Christ NYC Entrepreneur Program
Two people holding tubs full of packaged meals
[Photo Credit: Youth For Christ New York City] Angel Maldonado Meals For Centers 
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