Kara: A Social Media Influencer For Good… And God (+ podcast)

Saturday, August 31 2024 by Richard D. Hunt

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Finding a returning soldier at the airport, Kara shares the happy homecoming
Kara Lewis
Finding a returning soldier at the airport, Kara stays low, shoots video, and shares the happy homecoming

Kara Lewis has more than a half-million people who follow her unique video stories on Instagram, and another 4-million on TikTok! 

“I think there’s too much negativity in the world – and, at the end of the day, my goal is to inspire and help people that normally wouldn’t have a voice, that their story is shared, and I believe that the Lord has given me this platform to do that and ultimately just spread His name and share the Gospel.”  

God sometimes gives early indicators of His path for a person. Kara seems like a case-in-point.

Kara never envisioned national notoriety like she’s seeing now. Actually, for many of her growing years she took part as a competitive dancer. But along the way, something started happening. “Music was the thing that first inspired me. And I would kind of create these little visions in my head – and what something should look like, almost like a movie.” So, little Kara picked up her mom’s smartphone “at a really early age and filmed these little videos. And then I grew up and decided it was something I really wanted to do and so that’s kind of just how it happened.”

Social media stardom 

These days, when she’s searching for someone with a story to be discovered, Kara always asks God to lead her. “Well, I really never know what I’m walking into when it comes to looking for somebody, but the very first thing I do is I say a prayer and I ask the Lord to guide me, and just lead me to the right person, and the right encounter in that moment, and I wholeheartedly believe that He does that in every scenario.”

A SoCal young woman, moved to Tennessee, Kara shares that doing social media stories about people’s real lives also gives her a major encouragement, and reason to keep going,

The full story

In our complete podcast interview just below, learn about Kara’s most-challenging story that touched her heart so strongly. And Kara shares with us the one person she would most like to do an interview session with.


And below are samples of Kara’s heart-inspired story work on Instagram:





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