It was 1951. Richard Salkind was a student at Farleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey. But the United States was now at war in Korea. “I thought it was more important than my college, which I just started,” so he enlisted in the Army. Richard’s military role was to monitor enemy radio transmissions and relay the information to intelligence officers. More than once in our interview (you can hear the complete interview podcast here), Richard expressed a love and pride for his country.
Once out of the service, he returned home and started attending night school college classes. It was about that time that he met the woman who would become his wife for 62 years. Her father owned a trucking business and needed some help, so Richard agreed to lend a hand. Over time, getting married, having children and financial obligations, college studies just didn’t fit in. But he never really gave up on the idea of a degree.
Fast-forward to 2022, Richard inquired about completing his degree and learned that his military service could become college credit, and Farleigh Dickinson University was proud to hold an at-home graduation ceremony for Richard, who is now 90-years-old. “It was very nice. I mean I was awed by this whole thing. I really didn’t expect this to happen.” Besides his family in attendance, Dumont Mayor Andrew LaBruno declared it "Richard Salkind Day" and came by to congratulate Richard in person. Local news media heard about the encouraging event and shared his story. “It all focused on me – and in my 90 years, I’ve never had that happen.” All the attention was a bit unusual, but he was okay with it.
When we asked what he attributes to his longevity, he replied one word: “work” and then explained, “I’ve always worked. I’m working now.” Yes, Richard is still gainfully employed and enjoys what he does. And he says life is good. “I have five beautiful children and I think 12 great-grandchildren. And they take a lot of your time. So between time and work, you forget your age and, he laughs, you just keep going.”
We invite you to listen to our podcast interview with Richard (just below), who shares from his heart and his lifetime of experience. And you’ll hear his plans for the future.
Our special thanks to Michele and Audrey for assisting us with this story.