Family Sells Everything To Serve God In Central America (+podcast)

Wednesday, July 26 2023 by Monika Kelly

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Four people--two adults, two children, outside
BJ and Robin McCoy
The McCoy family

(BENTON, KY) — God's timing is perfect as Robin and BJ McCoy pack up to move their family to a new part of the world to become missionaries of sorts.

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BJ and Robin McCoy weren't on their church's recent mission trip to Guatemala, but when members of the mission team returned to tell them about a special need in Guatemala, the McCoys felt called to uproot everything they've known and start fresh in Central America.

Their move requires that they leave behind their current jobs (BJ has worked for the state of Kentucky as an environmental scientist and Robin has been a high school principal) and start work at the Christian Academy of Guatemala, a school that "exists to support the missionary community in Guatemala by providing a biblically-based, quality English education to prepare lives for Christian service."

A smiling couple
[Photo Credit: BJ and Robin McCoy] BJ and Robin McCoy

BJ said. “We are selling everything we own--our house, our vehicles, our boat, our cat (laughter) and our family is headed to serve at the Christian Academy of Guatemala."

Their young children, Scout and Jay and excited about the move.

Will language be a problem?

Robin says, "I feel like this is one way that God really prepared our family is I was actually a high school Spanish teacher before I became an administrator."

The McCoys are in awe of the way God's hand is on this adventure.

"It's almost a daily occurrence of we're just amazed at how He's put things in place and allowed things to happen," Robin said.

The family plans to leave the United States on July 11, and will stay the entire school year. 

They're asking for prayer as they head out on this new adventure.

Here's our complete podcast interview. Be encouraged.



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