K-LOVE’s Positive People – by Rafael Sierra, Jr. (complete podcast available) (more Positive People stories)
Pastor Corey Brooks is committed to ending violence and poverty in Chicago’s Woodlawn community. Not long ago, he slept on top of an abandoned crime-ridden motel to raise awareness for violence. Lately, he’s sleeping in the cold – on top of storage containers - hoping to build a much-needed community center in the neighborhood.
“I believe that this is what Jesus would be doing. Reaching out to the marginalize. Reaching out to those who are without and those who are downtrodden."
Pastor Brooks heads Project H.O.O.D. - Helping Others Obtain Destiny – providing job training, counseling, outreach and more. He says a new community center not only has the potential to end violence and poverty in the neighborhood but bring transformation and redemption to as many people as possible.
“We really believe that we can enhance the lives of people and change the trajectory of individuals if we continue our programs and continue our focus.” He says a new building will enable them to maximize their outreach efforts.
But why sleep on top of storage containers? Pastor Brooks says they are a replica of the community center they’re going to build — and his efforts, a unique approach that will hopefully bring peace and prosperity to the neighborhood.
Listen to full interview below: