This 'Thank You' Means A Lot: Israel’s Prime Minister Shares Personal Note With Christian University Chancellor

Friday, August 30 2024 by Richard D. Hunt

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“We wanted to do something positive together to help change the increasingly radicalized American university culture, with its growing anti-semitism..."
Colorado Christian University
“We wanted to do something positive together to help change the increasingly radicalized American university culture, with its growing anti-semitism... "

Recognizing Colorado Christian University’s support, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently shared a hand-written note with CCU’s Chancellor Dr. Donald Sweeting.  

“With much appreciation for your stalwart support for Israel, and with all best wishes,” Netanyahu wrote.  

Sweeting and two CCU scholars were in the Holy Lands for two weeks working to develop a college-level course about the political philosophy of Hebrew Bible in partnership with the Herzl Institute in Jerusalem when he received the hand-written note of encouragement from Netanyahu.  

“We wanted to do something positive together to help change the increasingly radicalized American university culture, with its growing anti-semitism and its ignorance about Israel and the Bible,” said Sweeting. “So, we collaborated in a highly unusual project between Jews and Christians.”  

Netanyahu had heard about CCU’s fervent stance against antisemitism, support for Israel and joint university Bible project with the Herzl Institute, said Sweeting.  

After Hamas attacked innocent Israels in a mass invasion in October 2023, CCU held a prayer vigil and benefit dinner for Israel, raising over $1 million to save lives in Israel amid the ongoing conflict with the terrorist group Hamas. All donations were sent to United Hatzalah, the largest independent, non-profit, volunteer emergency medical service organization, which provides the fastest emergency medical service throughout Israel to anyone in need.   

“I promise we will continue to stand with the state of Israel and her right and her fight for liberty, justice and the defense of her homeland and her people,” said CCU President Eric K. Hogue. “The connection between Christians and Jews is strong, and there is nothing that should ever separate it.”  

Hand-written note from Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu
[Photo Credit: Colorado Christian University] Hand-written note from Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu

The week following the fundraiser for Israeli victims, Hogue and many other Christian higher education leaders published a full-page ad in the Wall Street Journal expressing universal support for Israel. 

Last month, Hogue and Indiana Wesleyan University President Jon Kulaga have issued a joint letter:  

“At CCU, we firmly stand in support of Israel against the recent attacks by Hamas. We condemn the acts of violence and aggression, and we are committed to raising awareness and providing direct support to our Jewish brothers and sisters facing such challenges. We are also committed to combating the growing anti-Semitism on college campuses across America,” said Hogue.  

About Colorado Christian University 

Founded in 1914, Colorado Christian University provides Christ-centered higher education that transforms students to impact the world with grace and truth. Located in Lakewood, Colorado, a suburb of Denver, CCU is the flagship Christian university in the Rocky Mountain region. A leader in higher education, the University is consistently ranked in the top 2% of colleges nationwide for its core curriculum by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni. 


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