'Best Of' Craig Groeschel's 2020 Leadership Video Podcasts

Saturday, December 5 2020 by Richard Hunt/Craig Groeschel

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Pastor Craig Groeschel

Here's the latest installment of Pastor Craig Groeschel's Leadership podcasts. This one summarizes his wise encouragement and guidance from the entire year. - Richard

"2020 is almost over. Some of us are breathing a sigh of relief. Others are glad it’s over. And some of us are just...tired. 

But I want you to hear, as hard as it was, 2020 was not a waste. We are not going miss out on the chance to learn from it.

First, I’d challenge you to be intentional about reflecting on the year. Write down three things that you learned about yourself or your leadership this year. Maybe you learned to homeschool kids, led a remote team, conquered a fear of sickness, or became an anticipatory leader. 

Remember, hard times are not only hard. They are also the times we learn the most, stretch ourselves, gain perspectives, prioritize better, and build new strengths. 

If you heard some of these episodes earlier in the year, you may be surprised at how new or different they feel at the end of the year. Then, download the leader guide, take a couple hours this month to reflect on the year, and start planning for next year."  - Pastor Craig Groeschel

"Until next month and the new year, remember what we always say: be yourself. People would rather follow a leader who’s always real than one who’s always right."

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