What A Wonderful Gesture! A Tennessee Police Dept. Donates 3 Patrol Cars To Mayfield, Ky., Praying Over Them First

Wednesday, December 15 2021 by Richard D. Hunt

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Lebanon, Tenn. Police pray over patrol cars they donated to tornado-wrecked Mayfield, Ky.
Lebanon, Tenn. Police Department
Lebanon, Tenn. Police pray over patrol cars they donated to tornado-wrecked Mayfield, Ky.

After hearing about the need for patrol cars in tornado-damaged Mayfield, Kentucky, the police chief & team in Lebanon, Tennessee, got a great idea. 3 patrol cars, with high mileage – but in good shape – that weren’t being used got a make-over and even a new decal saying “Mayfield.” The cars were driven 161 miles to Mayfield, where a pleasantly surprised police department was very grateful. In the images below, the Tennessee police pray over the vehicles before sending them on their way.

Here's what the Lebanon police chief explained on Facebook:

From the desk of Chief Mike Justice:

Over the past few days, we have all observed images and read stories of catastrophic weather-related deaths and property damage. We are reminded of the recent devastation our city faced in March of 2020 when many of our residents lost their homes and businesses. Some even lost their lives on that terrible night. The City of Lebanon was blessed beyond measure by the influx of volunteers and critical material needs within hours of the storms passing. We watched neighbors helping neighbors as well as individuals that reported for work assignments from many other states.

Our neighbors in Mayfield Kentucky were not as fortunate. Their town was largely destroyed, and many lost their lives. The police department’s ability to respond and mitigate calls for service within the community was also greatly affected, and most of the cities’ police vehicles were lost or damaged in the storm. Because we are fortunate to have a few decommissioned, high mileage police vehicles that were slated for auction, we have offered to deliver them to the Mayfield Police Department. These vehicles were recently removed from our fleet, but we feel they could serve Mayfield in a short-term immediate need.

In fact, the owners of Advanced Signs David and Sue Tompkins have donated the removal of Lebanon from the paint Scheme and added Mayfield in its place. The three patrol vehicles are immediately being sent to our neighbors to the North of us and should be operationally ready upon delivery. We ask that you remember them in your thoughts and prayers, and if you can assist them in any way, we encourage you to do so.


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