Up Close & Personal: Mickey Stonier Served As A Chaplain At 9/11’s ‘Ground Zero’

Friday, September 10 2021 by Richard Hunt

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Pedestrians in lower Manhattan watch smoke billow from New York's World Trade Center
AP Photo/Amy Sancetta
Pedestrians in lower Manhattan watch smoke billow from New York's World Trade Center

Nearly 3,000 people lost their lives as four airliners were hijacked by Islamic terrorists on September 11, 2001. Two of the jets, including passengers, were flown directly into buildings of the World Trade Center in New York City. The aircraft were loaded with fuel that burned the structures intensely - and later that day both towers of the Trade Center collapsed. Among those lost as the buildings crumbled were 343 members of the NYFD. This location began to be referred to as ‘Ground Zero.’

That same morning, another commandeered jet crashed directly into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, while the fourth plane, which may have been headed for the White House, crashed into the ground near Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 500-miles-per-hour. Before the end came, passengers making cell phone calls said they realized what was going on, and some boldly made an unsuccessful effort to retake the plane. For a short time all commercial aviation across the United States was grounded. President George W. Bush was transported by Air Force One to various rotating locations to ensure his safety and ability to lead.

Most everyone today, who is old enough, remembers exactly where they were when they heard the hard-to-believe breaking news about the 9/11 attacks.

In the first days after the tragedies, Chaplain Mickey Stonier was assigned to ‘Ground Zero.’ He was called in because he served on a response team for commercial airline disasters. So his skills were desperately needed. “It was a very horrific event that impacted our nation, impacted how we travel, impacted on so many different levels.” He says we must always keep telling the story of what happened so future generations can understand. And he reminds, “There were also many miracles, powerful testimonies of amazing human beings that sacrificed all for the care of others during the event - and for days and weeks, months and years following.”

Pastor & Chaplain Mickey Stonier
[Photo Credit: Provided] Pastor & Chaplain Mickey Stonier 

In New York City, Pastor Mickey’s chaplaincy team was responsible for providing support for family members at the morgue as well as the Family Assistance Center where people were attempting to determine the fate of their loved ones who had been in the twin towers. The team also offered a ministry of presence for first responders and search and rescue professionals.

What did he face? “People are in shock, people are fearful, angry – a whole range of emotions – being overwhelmed with severe unexpected loss…just intense grief…and our role was to be present, to be good listeners, and to be servants” - taking a cue from Jesus.

Pastor Mickey, who today serves on the staff of Rock Church in San Diego, explains that disaster “is an opportunity for people to evaluate their life, their beliefs – about a third of people come to a strong faith during hardship. And 9/11 drew us together as a nation 20 years ago. People of faith and even different faiths united together for the sake of loving one another, humanity…but sadly, over time, routine sets in” and much is lost. He notes how divided America is now.

In our podcast below, Pastor Mickey offers advice to cope with these unusual times of pandemic and social stress – and recommends we all show appreciation for law enforcement and other first-responders who continue to risk their lives to serve others.

Chaplain Stonier
[Photo Credit: Provided] Chaplain Stonier's various credentials from the 9/11 period

In addition to his church pastoral role, Mickey Stonier is chaplain for the Coronado, Santee, and San Diego Fire-Rescue Departments, San Diego Medical Examiner’s Office, San Diego Harbor Police Department, Office of Emergency Services and he is also a member of the National Critical Response Team. He’s the author of the bookGODISNOWHERE: Where is God in the Midst of Your Pain, which provides practical and Biblical guidance to those who are going through a time of crisis.

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