National Day Of Prayer: Thursday, May 7 - America Needs Prayer (+podcast)

Monday, May 4 2020 by Richard Hunt

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National Day of Prayer

The 2020 National Day of Prayer is Thursday, May 7th. There will be a main event broadcast on Facebook and other media. Many people will be praying from their homes due to pandemic restrictions... but praying as one!

This year’s scripture theme is from Habakkuk 2:14, ‘Pray God’s glory across the earth.’

Your prayers make a difference. Amid the uncertainty we are facing, it’s important to lift up our neighbors and our nation in prayer. Please join with fellow believers and Christian leaders for a time of dedicated prayer this Thursday from 8 to 10 p.m., EDT.  Wherever you are, you can join this virtual event streamed live from the Billy Graham Library and led by National Day of Prayer President Kathy Branzell and Will Graham.

Together, we will pray that God will be glorified in our nation, our communities, and our families. We will also ask Him to help us shine the light of Jesus Christ in the midst of the difficult days people all over America are experiencing right now.

Here's our special interview with Kathy Branzell, the president of the National Day of Prayer Task Force: 

How to Pray for America

Franklin Graham, 1999 & 2010 Honorary Chairman

"When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?" —Psalms 11:3

I believe our nation is in trouble today, probably more than I've seen in my lifetime. We are contending with issues that are causing the very foundation of our country to crumble. Our moral and spiritual roots are eroding, the economy is misleading, family life is disintegrating, and political forces are at unprecedented odds. There seem to be very few leaders who will take a stand for God and for His Word.

It can be tempting to believe that America has reached a point of no return. While these factors cause despair, we are reminded in Scripture that with God, nothing is impossible. No problem is too great for Him. Seasons of distress and uncertainty and hardship call for faithful, fervent prayer by God's people and remind us of our responsibility to humble ourselves before Almighty God. We cannot expect healing to come to our nation apart from obedience to God through His Holy Word.

God longs for His people to humble themselves and to seek forgiveness and pray for guidance. God's Word says, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord" (Psalm 33:12). The Bible commands that we repent of our sins and turn to Almighty God. And because we are confident that we serve a God of mercy and compassion, we know that He stands ready to respond to our cries out of the abundance of His divine wisdom.

It is a crucial time for us to individually and collectively seek God's divine intervention for the challenges facing us. We need to pray not only for our nation, but we need to pray for our leaders, for all those who govern us, that they will turn to God with humble hearts and follow Him. Our military leaders need our prayers as we have dedicated men and women serving on battlefields and sacrificing their blood to protect our nation and many innocent people around the world. God is faithful to bless those who turn to Him.

Pray that as a nation we would return to God. As we call on God, let us do so by genuine faith, believing that He hears our prayers. God can heal this great land, for which our forefathers fought and died. We need spiritual renewal, we need a revival in America, and we need each and everyone to pray. Lord, Hear Our Cry!  —Franklin Graham

Kathy Branzell
[Photo Credit: NDP] Kathy Branzell

Above: Kathy Branzell, the president of the National Day of Prayer Task Force

There is a special prayer that has been crafted to specifically address the unusual and challenging times we face:

"Lord, we exist to give You glory. We exist because of Your glory, and in Your glory, as our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer. We give you thanks and praise for every breath and moment You have given to us. We repent of our sin; for the shameful things we have done against You and for our silence when we did not speak up to proclaim Your Name, profess Your Word, or protect and practice Your will.

We ask Your forgiveness.

We pray that the knowledge of the glory of the Lord will spread across our nation and the entire earth as we seek Your Kingdom and righteousness; as we walk in obedience to You, and in humble unity, love one another. Jesus, the Bible says that You are “the knowledge of the glory of the Lord.” 

You have taught us to pray, commanded us to love, and commissioned us to share Your gospel of grace. Your glory fills our hearts and families, it overflows into our neighborhoods, workplaces, campuses, churches, entertainment, and media. 

We give thanks for our military and ask that Your glory would spread to, and through them as they preserve freedom around the world. We pray for our government, that all of our leaders and laws would be filled with Your glory, that they would magnify Your Holy Word and honor Your will and ways. 

We pray that Your grace and glory would spread to bring hope to the hopeless, and love where there is hurt and hate. God, use us as we pray your promise, that “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. In Jesus Name, Amen!"

National Day of Prayer speakers
[Photo Credit: National Day of Prayer] 

In addition, the SBC Executive Committee offers a prayer guide to touch on the “Seven Centers of Influence” in America. That guide can be seen here.

2 of the 7 "Centers of Influence"
[Photo Credit: SBC Executive Committee] 2 of the 7 "Centers of Influence" 



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