Founded in 1990 by former University of Colorado football coach Bill McCartney, Promise Keepers (PK) is calling men back to courageous and bold servant leadership by sparking a movement that will mobilize millions of men to follow Christ into today’s broken world as changemakers for their families, churches and communities.
Promise Keepers is committed to unifying men in today’s broken world as America endures the burden of division. The sixth promise of a Promise Keeper is to reach beyond any racial and denominational barriers to demonstrate the power of biblical unity.
To honor this promise, Promise Keepers is leading two vital initiatives in October.
The first initiative is a recorded roundtable discussion on unity, moderated by Promise Keepers’ chairman Ken Harrison, and featuring some of America’s foremost religious leaders:
Ken Harrison explained the strategic significance of the roundtable: “We convened and recorded this roundtable so that pastors and churches could review discuss, and share the roundtable between October 9th to October 24th to motivate them to take tangible action toward unity in their own communities, through an event we’re calling ‘Promise 6 Sunday.’” The second initiative is calling the men of the nation to get involved in Promise 6 Sunday on October 25th. Promise Keepers is calling upon individual men, churches, small groups, and Bible studies to commit to participating in a unity-building activity, such as:
To learn more about Promise Keeper’s commitment to unity and their October unity events, visit To register to participate in Promise 6 Sunday, visit |