(Tallahassee, Florida)--New York Times bestselling author, speaker and podcast host Jennie Allen has a passion to reach people for Jesus.
Jennie has consistently been present at the places where God is moving--at the Asbury Revival in Kentucky and as a speaker at the Unite Auburn in Auburn, Alabama where more than a hundred young people got baptized.
Jennie was also one of the main speakers at Unite: FSU where the Holy Spirit sparked a huge revival in one of the most unlikely places--at one of the nation's biggest "party" schools--Florida State University in Tallahassee.
Hundreds of young people accepted Christ and many chose to get baptized on campus at the Wescott Fountain.
Rather hear the story? Listen to the conversation Monika Kelly had with Jennie Allen:

In a post to Instagram and Facebook, she shared a photo of a student who had just been baptized in the university's Westcott Fountain.

"It's happening again! FSU Baptisms! Hundreds maybe a thousand students came forward to trust Jesus. We can't explain what's happening apart from the Spirit," she wrote.

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