When you arrive in heaven and stand before the Lord, you will not be rewarded for what you’ve received. You will only be rewarded for what you’ve given.
—Dr. Charles F. Stanley

His breakthrough came from his role in hosting “In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley,” a Christian teaching program that began airing on the newborn Christian Broadcasting Network in 1978. That led to the creation of a separate nonprofit, In Touch Ministries, that sent Stanley's broadcasts across the nation and world through radio and television. It even created solar-powered audio players containing the Bible, some of Stanley's sermons and other materials that are available in more than 100 languages. Stanley also wrote more than 40 books.
When Stanley stepped down from First Baptist as senior pastor in 2020, he said he wasn’t planning to stop preaching, instead focusing his energies on In Touch Ministries.
“I’ll continue to preach the gospel as long as God allows, and my goal remains the same: to get the truth of the gospel to as many people as possible as quickly as possible in the power of the Holy Spirit to the glory of God,” Stanley said in a video message to the church when he took on the title of pastor emeritus. (AP)
From In Touch Ministries:
On Tuesday, April 18, 2023, In Touch Ministries announced that beloved pastor Dr. Charles Frazier Stanley had passed away at 7:30 a.m. that morning at age 90.
Known to audiences around the world through his wide-reaching TV and radio broadcasts, Stanley modeled his 65 years of ministry after the apostle Paul’s message in Acts 20:24: “Life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about God’s mighty kindness and love.”
Born Sept. 25, 1932, at the height of the Great Depression, in Dry Fork, Virginia, Stanley was raised by a single mother after his father died when Stanley was only nine months old.
After receiving a call to ministry at the age of 14, Stanley earned a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Richmond in Richmond, Virginia, and a Bachelor of Divinity at Southwestern Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. He later went on to earn the distinctions of Master and Doctor of Theology from Luther Rice Seminary in Atlanta.
Reaction from those who knew and appreciated him:
Dr. James Dobson - Charles Stanley was a lion of the faith. An effective evangelist and teacher of the Bible, Stanley had a straightforward take on how to live the Christian life - trust Scripture and obey God. That simple mantra undergirds his legacy and no doubt is reflected in the faith of countless Christians who have been impacted by his ministry. Shirley and I extend our deepest condolences to the entire Stanley family.
Dr. David Jeremiah - Charles Stanley was not only a knowledgeable and faithful Bible teacher who loved and obeyed God, he was also a man of great character, and a humble and gracious friend. Who can count the number of souls his life and ministry made an impact on? His steadfast commitment to preaching the Gospel will be remembered for generations. He has blessed me and the world tremendously, and I will see him again some day in glory.
Pastor Greg Laurie - Charles Stanley went to Heaven today. He made his mark on this world for the Gospel and his incredible teaching of God’s Word. I like so many others was blessed by hearing his messages on the radio and TV and he was a trusted voice we have all been encouraged. It was my privilege to meet Dr. Stanley in person in Charlotte, North Carolina at the funeral for Billy Graham. He was warm and gracious. No doubt, he has already heard Jesus say, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your Lord.” Charles Stanley will be greatly missed.
Jack Graham - Charles Stanley…a spiritual legacy that will last for generations. I am grateful for the preaching ministry of this man and his commitment to the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus. All the praise goes to Jesus.
Rev. Samuel Rodriguez - Biblical clarity, practical application, God’s word applied to every day circumstances; Charles Stanley can best be described as a master Bible teacher.
Pastor Skip Heitzig - Charles Stanley was a Christian powerhouse, who was faithfully and wholly dedicated to the Word of God. Charles lived what he preached and brought countless individuals to the love of Jesus along the way. Well done, good and faithful servant. You will be missed.
Dr. Jerry Prevo - Dr. Charles Stanley led a remarkable life and ministry dedicated to preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the sure foundation of the Word of God. His pulpit ministry spanned decades and will never be forgotten. While we mourn the loss of Dr. Stanley and pray for the Stanley family, we rejoice that he has entered into heaven and joy of our Savior.
Pastor Johnathan Falwell - Dr. Stanley’s preaching and pulpit ministry was nothing short of iconic. A preacher among preachers, he left an indelible mark upon several generations of men in Gospel ministry. He was a friend of my fathers and a well-known friend of Liberty University. The entire Liberty family joins countless others in honoring the memory of Dr. Stanley and praying for his family.
Nick Hall - Charles Stanley was a hero of the faith. His voice echoed through my North Dakota home growing up, as his teaching discipled my family and gave me a passion for preaching the Word of God. Whenever we met, he always made time for me, encouraging me to do the work of the Evangelist!
Dr. Charles F. Stanley was the senior pastor of First Baptist Church Atlanta for more than fifty years. He was also the founder of In Touch Ministries and a New York Times best-selling author, who wrote more than seventy books encouraging people to seek Jesus as their Savior and know Him as their wise and loving Lord. Charles Frazier Stanley was born September 25, 1932, in the small town of Dry Fork, Virginia. The only child of Charley and Rebecca Stanley, Charles came into the world during a time when the entire nation felt the grip of the Great Depression. To make matters worse, just nine months later, his father Charley died at the young age of 29. However, Charles refused to let the Great Depression or the difficulties of his life define him. Through the excellent counsel and example of his godly mother, Rebecca, he learned to trust God and obey His Word wholeheartedly. At the age of fourteen, Dr. Stanley received a clear call to the ministry and—like his father and grandfather before him—he took up the mantle to preach the gospel to whomever would listen.
Dr. Stanley began pastoring in 1957 at Fruitland Baptist Church in North Carolina, where he also taught homiletics, preaching, and evangelism at the Fruitland Bible Institute. He went on to serve as pastor of First Baptist Church of Fairborn, Ohio, in 1959; First Baptist Church of Miami, Florida, in 1962, where he also founded the George Mueller Christian School in 1966; and First Baptist Church of Bartow, Florida, in 1968. On October 1, 1971, Dr. Stanley became senior pastor of the First Baptist Church of Atlanta, Georgia, where he served until his homegoing. In 1972, he launched a half-hour program called “The Chapel Hour” on Atlanta stations WXIA-TV 11 and WANX 46. Looking for a practical Bible teaching program, the Christian Broadcasting Network contacted Dr. Stanley in 1978 to request that the program be included in its new venture—a satellite distribution network to cable systems. That broadcast grew from 16,000 local Atlanta viewers to a nationwide audience in one week. By 1982, In Touch Ministries was incorporated and began radio syndication. At its height, the “In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley” program reached almost every major market in the United States, broadcasting to more than 115 million households domestically with the message of Christ’s sufficiency for life’s demands. Dr. Stanley was inducted into the National Religious Broadcaster’s (NRB) Hall of Fame in 1988 and also served two terms as president of the Southern Baptist Convention (1984–1986).
However, a turning point for Dr. Stanley’s ministry came in August 1989, when he spoke in Kansas City, Missouri, for an ITM rally. He returned to his hotel room to seek God’s guidance on a matter, and, as he prayed, his mind kept returning to Psalm 67:2 (TLB), “Send us around the world with the news of Your saving power and your eternal plan for all mankind.” Dr. Stanley said, “When I was done praying, I got up and looked out the large window at the Coliseum where the rally was being held. Right next to it was a rooftop covered with satellite dishes and broadcast antennas. In that moment, God said to me, ‘That’s the way I’m going to do it. That is how I will use you to send the gospel around the world.’”
From that point on, Dr. Stanley tirelessly sought out and employed innovative technologies to send the message of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. At the time of his passing, the “In Touch” program was being broadcast on more than 4,000 television, radio, and satellite networks and stations worldwide, and his sermons had been translated into 127 heart languages. Throughout his life and ministry, Dr. Stanley demonstrated an intimate awareness of people’s needs and provided Christ-centered, biblically-based principles for everyday life. His motivation was best represented by the truth found in Acts 20:24 (TLB): “Life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about God’s mighty kindness and love.” Dr. Stanley always understood that it wasn’t by one’s strength or talent that people would find hope and salvation, but in Christ working through willing, obedient vessels. He said, “It is the Word of God and the work of God that changes people’s lives.” Certainly, the Lord worked powerfully through the obedient, submitted life of Dr. Charles Stanley.