Front-Line Workers Respond To Earthquake Victims In The Name Of Jesus

Thursday, March 30 2023 by John Wilke/Richard D. Hunt

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Turkey earthquake relief
VOM (Voice of the Martyrs)
Turkey earthquake relief

After the devastating earthquakes that took the lives of almost 50,000 people, Christians in Turkiye (Turkey) are responding to the overwhelming need by serving food, providing clean water, and sharing the gospel with survivors and their families. Christians in Turkiye were able to provide immediate help to their neighbors in regions affected by the earthquake.  

Their work has included:

This practical support coming from brothers and sisters in Christ on the frontlines is softening many hearts to the love of Christ and bringing eternal hope to a seemingly hopeless situation.

A TikTok video circulating in Turkiye shows one of many examples of how God is working through the faithfulness of front-line workers in both Turkiye (Turkey) and Syria.

In the video, which has been viewed thousands of times, two Islamic teachers are warning their community about “Christian missionaries” who are “serving soup, cleaning up the environment every day, showing respect as they provide food to the hungry and helping those in need with tenderness and love.”

“Be careful of them,” the imams warn, “and keep your distance.”

But what they meant for evil, God has used for good!

As a result of the viral video, there has been an overwhelming increase in people coming to the church, looking for hope, asking about the gospel and wondering why these “Christian missionaries” are serving Muslims in this way. 

As community members seek out front-line workers for help and hope, they are receiving Bibles ... and asking for more!

Pray for churches in Turkiye as they respond to both the physical and spiritual needs in their communities. More

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